Page 75 of The Billionaire Orc

Yes, she was falling in love with Tor. She knew it without a doubt now.

And it broke her heart that he’d probably been trying to call her and getting no answer. What if he took that as her not caring?

Oh, she cared. She cared for that big green guy so much. The thought that by the evening’s end she might be… Oh gods, no! She scrunched her eyes shut and rubbed her sore wrists, hoping the physical pain would block out the emotional pain of knowing she might be lost to him forever.

That young goblin was her only hope.

“Where’s Zoe?” she asked casually.

“Gone back to Motham with her troll fella. We alternate weekend shifts,” the goblin grunted. Shona silently thanked the good goddess that it had been Zoe’s turn to go back to Motham. There was no way this grim-faced goblin would have helped her.

“Stand up,” the goblin ordered, then she roughly untied Shona’s dressing gown and went to shuck it off her shoulders.

“Thank you, but I can dress myself.”

The goblin grunted, went over to the bed and picked up the dress roughly, as if it was an old piece of cloth. “Please be careful,” Shona begged. “It’s very delicate material.”

“What would I know? All we get is this scratchy goat-shifter wool to wear. Itches like buggery,” grumbled the goblin, dropping the dress back on the bed. “The guards will be here to take you down to the dining room in ten minutes. Jump to it,” she said as she left.

Shona dashed for an urgent pee and then changed her tampon. Things were slowing down in that regard, at least. Then she applied the make-up that had been left out for her to use. Matteus hadn’t missed a thing, she decided, going through the lipsticks and eyeshadows, and the truth was, she needed make-up like war paint to go in to battle. With her eyes lined in kohl and her lips outlined in vivid red, she walked over to the window and looked out toward the valley below, her eyes tracing the little road that wound toward Twill, almost imagining she could see Zoe and her troll driving in their van. Would Zoe be able to get a message to her parents, before…

A cry burst from her lips and she muffled it with shaking fingers.

Here she was, wearing a stunning silk dress, her favorite of all her own creations, waiting for Matteus to summon her. Five years ago she would have been full of excitement at their rendezvous.

Now she felt only abject horror.

All she wanted were two powerful green orc arms around her, holding her tight, a sensual orc mouth whispering in her ear and nuzzling kisses into her neck. Her gentle, funny, kind orc guy.

She turned away from the window, blinking away tears, just as the door swung open and the two wolf-shifter henchmen strode in. By their ragged ears and scarred faces, they looked like they’d been hired from one of the feral gangs on the Tip, the part of Motham where damaged shifters hung out. Matteus had stooped low, using these thugs as his guards.

Roughly, they grabbed an arm each and hustled her out the door, along the corridor, and practically lifted her off her feet dragging her down the staircase.

At the bottom, she fought to free herself.

“Let me go,” she ordered. Grunting, they loosened their grip. “Do you think your boss wants all my finery ruined by your brutish handling? Shame on you!”

One of the wolves snarled, but the other whined, “Let her go, Tyrrell. She’s right, we’re risking another beating.”

His companion gave a low growl but then released her.

Head held high, she straightened her dress, swept her hands over her hair, and walked far more steadily than she felt to the doors of the dining room. She pushed them open.

“Ah, behold, my beautiful dove.” She shrank inwardly as Matteus, dressed in a black dress suit with an embroidered black and silver waistcoat, got up from his seat.

Time for the performance of your life, Shona D.

She met his glittering gaze without flinching.

Sauntering over, he stroked a gloved finger around her jawline, and she tried to hide her loathing at his touch. “Aw, I smell apprehension. But not for much longer. Soon, such base human emotions will be a thing of the past.”

Shona knew her only chance was to stall for time. By now, Zoe must nearly be at Tween. If she kept her promise, her parents would act fast. Shona swallowed the rising tide of fear.

The only weapon she had now was her charm.

Use it.

Looking up from under her lashes, she breathed, “I’m so sorry I was angry when you came to my apartment. I was hurt you hadn’t been in contact for so long, but I do think you owe me an explanation.”