Page 58 of The Billionaire Orc

He shrugged. “Oh, just thought they might have helped out, financially.”

Katrina let out a loud snort. “You have got to be joking. Those selfish bastards. They don’t want anything to do with her, not now that she’s with me.”

Tor very nearly blabbed about Shona’s past with a vampire. But it wasn’t his story to tell. Gods, he’d owned up to too much already.

“About this human, just go for it. She can only say no,” Katrina said as they stood on the sidewalk shortly afterwards. She gave him a swift punch to the jaw followed by a big smacking kiss on each cheek. “I have to say, as orc males go, Mom and Dad made a pretty good specimen.”

He laughed and hugged her back. “Thanks, sis, back at you. And thanks for listening,” he replied. He watched her stride off down the street, strong and capable, his goddamn beautiful sister.



When Shona sashayed into Goblin’s Den the next evening at seven, Tor was already seated at a window table, his head turned away from her as he gazed out over the view of Motham’s Hole In The Wall District.

Her breath hitched as she took in his broad shoulders, his braids not in their usual ponytail, but flowing loose. When he turned and saw her, his gaze was so full of warmth, her legs went so weak they could barely carry her across the restaurant.

She’d been a tangle of nerves and excitement all day.

She’d gone shopping, bought three new outfits, but in the end decided to wear an old favorite, a pale blue silk creation with a low neck and flowing skirt. Her belly was swollen from her period, her breasts tender, but on the positive side they’d gone up a cup size. Now they bulged over the top of the dress, perfect peaches and cream, thank the dating goddess above.


This wasn’t a date. It was a meeting to celebrate. Yes! Celebrate. Only an hour ago she’d had the call. The Counsel of Towns had accepted Tor’s offer, providing no Motham selkies were used to assist human boats.

“Thank you, Simon. I’m sure Tor will be happy to meet your terms,” she’d said in her best ice-cool professional voice, but when she put the phone down she’d done a happy dance around her desk to celebrate. The rumors Edgar had heard must have been correct, Orc Island was of no use to humans. And clearly the Counsel of Towns were strapped for cash. Or both.

Who cared? The deal was in the bag. And now she was bursting to tell Tor.

Except when she saw him, it kind of flew out of her mind, and the only thoughts she had as he stood up from the table to greet her were, I want to kiss you.

Which was probably why she raised her face and planted her hand softly on his huge arm as his lips grazed first one cheek, then the other.

It felt so good—but not nearly enough…

In front of all the other diners, she had the sudden urge to drag his head down and press her lips to his, feel that thick tongue thrusting deep into her mouth. To tell him she’d thought of him all day and dreamed of him all night since they’d lain together on Orc Island.

His scent was intoxicating, and that only made the urge worse. That spicy cologne, what was it? If she found out, she’d literally douse her pillow with it just to keep remembering him. Tonight he was wearing his traditional orc outfit. As he moved to sit down, she caught a glimpse of one firm pec, a dark green nipple.

Her eyes greedily took it in. They’d had sex in the dark, and now she was desperate to see every inch of the body she’d touched.

Oh goddess above.

As they sat down, Shona fixed her professional persona firmly back in place.

“I have some news. The Counsel of Towns rang just before I left.”

“And…?” His gaze was steady, the merest tic of muscle along his jaw showing tension.

“They’ve accepted your offer. But no selkies from Motham—if you agree to that, then yes, they’ll sign.”

“That won’t be a problem. The selkies I use with freight in Selig are a reliable bunch. They have whale blood running through their veins.”

“Whale blood!”

“Yes. There used to be a shifter species of white whale, thought to be now extinct, or at least very rare. In centuries past there were some couplings with selkies. It makes for wisdom and strength in the Selkies from those clans. They’re intelligent, honest, and reliable.”

Shona shook her head in surprise. “I really had no idea.”