Page 57 of The Billionaire Orc

Katrina whistled through her teeth. “Oh, sweet goddess’ wings. You are something else. Bro, I know you’re not bad as orc males go, but getting a human that hot they want you to knot them on the first date—oh my smoking tusks.”

“It wasn’t a date. We were stranded, she was scared. It was like…”

“And big daddy orc was there to look after her, right?”

“Shut the fuck up,” Tor growled darkly.

“Sorry.” Katrina made a zipping motion over her mouth. “I’ll be serious.”

Thankfully, at that moment the gelfin appeared to take their order. Tor needed time to compose himself.

When she’d left, he huffed a breath. “Look, the thing is, I’m… I’m really falling for this human. Can’t think of anything much else at present.”

“Well if you knotted her, of course you can’t think of anything else. That’s heavy mate- bonding shit, bro.”

“Like, so now what…?”

“Ask her out properly. On a date. What have you got to lose?”

“I can’t believe that she could feel the same. Maybe for a fling, sure, but not long term. And I want kids, Kat. I mean, it’s not easy—orcs and humans conceiving.”

His sister’s face finally took on a more serious expression. She sighed. “Don’t I know it. look at the trouble Lucia and I are having. Freakin’ almost impossible. How many orc/vampire kids have you met? Could count them on one hand. And with us needing IVF, our chances are even lower.”

“So why are you so determined?”

“Because we knew as soon as we met that we were destined to be together, and that included having kids, making a family. Waldo told us it might take time, but he reckons inter-species bonding is to be encouraged. Makes for stronger offspring.”

Waldo was the warlock of Motham. He’d been providing counselling for mixed-species couples for years. If he said something was so, then his opinion was to be respected.

Kat continued, “When we first started dating, we went to Waldo for counselling and he said when your body is overtaken by craving and your mind yearns constantly to be with them, you have surely met the mate you are destined to be with. Whatever their species. Sounds a bit like you, bro.”

His body overtaken by craving, his mind constantly yearning. Tor thought about how he’d been jerking off like a fucking teenager since they’d made love. But it wasn’t just that. There was his fierce need to protect her, to give her his everything, lay his fortune at her feet, impregnate her and populate the world with their wonderful orclings… it went on and on. His mind was consumed by it.

He groaned.

Seemed like he was in deep.

And he didn’t even know if she reciprocated his feelings.

Katrina seemed to guess his thoughts. “If she was up for… you know… the full kahuna, so to speak, well, I reckon your chances are good. It sounds like she’s caught up in the same mating madness you are.”

Tor sat and digested this information, trying not to let a shit-eating grin take over his features. Luckily their coffee and pastries arrived, which meant tucking in with gusto.

“And the baby making for you guys, how’s it going?” he asked between bites.

“Round one failed, so we’re waiting on round two. Heck, that makes it sound like a team sport, doesn’t it?” She sighed.

“Do you need money for another round of IVF?”

“Nah. We’re good. It’s subsidized through the MBI.”

“What’s that?”

“The Monster Breeding Initiative. Waldo started it, he got a grant from the Atholrose Motham family.”

“Really? That’s great. And Lucia, has she cut ties with the Kominskys completely?”

“Yes. Why do you ask?”