Page 46 of The Billionaire Orc

At lunch time, Edgar called back.

“My contact has come up trumps. He’s going to speak to Simon Jordak, Head of the Lands division. Should have more news today or tomorrow.”

“Wow. Thank you so much, Edgar.”

The Jordak family practically ran the Counsel, everyone knew that. Getting straight to Simon Jordak would be a coup.

Six o’clock came around fast. Whenever Shona was immersed in her work, she got lost in the process—which was good, because she didn’t want to think about a certain sexy green orc right now. She was just about to power down her computer when she received another call from Edgar.

“Someone from the Counsel of Towns will be in touch with you tomorrow.”

“Already! Wow, Edgar, that was quick work.”

“They are agreeable to meet with Tor Arquin in your offices in Motham.”

“That’s fantastic,” she said, though a cynical part of her couldn’t help thinking that they didn’t want the good people of Tween seeing a big green orc walking into the municipal buildings. Bigoted snobs, the lot of them. Prepared to discuss taking his money, but not to have his orcish presence in their pristine chambers, no doubt.

“Thank you, Edgar. I owe you big time for this.”

“You owe me nothing. It was a pleasure. Must dash, I’ve got to be somewhere.”

“What are you up to this evening?”

“I’m taking out a lady friend.” Edgar sounded almost coy.


“Yes, a merfolk widow who lives nearby.”

“Oh Edgar, next you’ll be moving into one of those new underwater condos.”

Edgar chuckled. “I do not think so, my dear. Way too wet for my liking. No, it’s enough for this old beast to dip his beak in the water from time to time, then wing it back to dry land. But she is a very nice mer-woman, and we do enjoy each other’s company.”

“That’s lovely, Edgar. Do have fun.”

Shona smiled as she put down her phone. It was fantastic that monsters were finding love later in life, and dating between species.

Wistfully, she packed up; she was very much looking forward to seeing Ivy. She needed a girl chat real bad.

Fifteen minutes later Shona was seated opposite her friend in a booth at the Right Bite café.

Ivy’s pretty green eyes fixed her shrewdly. “Something has happened, hasn’t it?” She gave a comical eyebrow waggle. “With you and a certain sexy orc. Do not try to lie, I will know.”

Shona waited until the elf waitress had put down their drinks and taken their food order before replying. “We got stranded on Orc Island. All night. In a cave.”

Ivy smirked. “Don’t tell me. It was a very small cave, right?”

Shona sucked on her straw so hard it actually made a slurping nose. That was very unlike her—usually her manners were impeccable. She gave her friend an indignant look, then huffed a sigh. What was the point of pretending? “Yes, very small. And okay, something did happen. And I can’t say it was his fault. I pretty much seduced him.” She shook her head. “I think I went a little bit sex crazed, Ivy.”

Ivy chuckled. “About time. You’ve been in a dating famine since I’ve known you.”

“That’s not true. There was Igor, the wolf. Nearly. And Jonathon.”

“Oh, Jonathon.” Ivy rolled her eyes theatrically. “Jonathon who nearly paralyzed you with boredom talking about his medal collection, and made you swear off human guys for eternity.”

“Yeah.” Shona sighed, feeling like a schoolgirl with her first major crush. Even in the early days with Matteus, she’d maintained her cool better than this. And she’d been a lot younger then.

“Did he satisfy you?”