Page 47 of The Billionaire Orc

Shona’s eyes rounded. Since she’d been with Bryn, Ivy was no longer the shy girl she used to be. Sex—or on Shona’s part, the lack of it—was always open for lengthy discussion.

“Erm, you could say he scored a straight ten.”

“He put you first?”

“Oooooh, yes. Another ten. But—” Shona grimaced. “He’s my client, Ivy.”

“So? Not for long. Not once you’ve landed this island deal.”

Shona burst out laughing. “You say that like it’s the easiest thing in the world. Oh hello, Counsel of Towns, this is Tor Arquin. He just wants to buy an island off you with a few spare dollars he found in his pocket.”

Ivy pouted. “Well, it never officially belonged to humans anyway. They stole it. So he shouldn’t have to pay them a thing.”

“Hmm, interesting you say ‘them,’ like you aren’t a human yourself.”

“You know what—I don’t feel like I belong in that world anymore,” Ivy said pensively.

“Same. The longer I live and work in Motham, the less I feel at home in the human world.”

Ivy’s face broke into a cheeky grin. “All the more reason to date a monster then. We can be monster-marrying buddies.”

Shona’s blue eyes shot wide. “Ivy! I’m not even… contemplating taking this into the dating phase, let alone anything else.”

“Liar, liar, pants on fire.”

Shona snorted again, but her cheeks were burning. Ivy smirked. “He really did set your panties alight, didn’t he?”

Shona squirmed, the dragging heat of arousal threatening as she recalled their encounter. She sighed and sipped her drink, reminding herself not to slurp. “It’s not just that. He seemed really nice. Considerate. He was so good about it, so adult. But no—we both agreed to put it behind us.”

“Yeah right, Let’s see what happens next time you meet. I bet you come back and say there was a wildfire in the panty region again.”

They both burst into giggles at that. Shona was just about to ‘fess up to Ivy about her contraception oversight when a shadow fell over the table.

“Well, hello there. Two beautiful humans out on the town, I see.”

Shona’s head kicked up. “Oh—Vlad. Hi. Have you just arrived?”

The vampire smirked. “No, just leaving, as it happens. I decided to slip in for a bite to eat. Busy day, lots of gowns for the summer solstice ball I’m working on.”

“Oh, I didn’t see you when we came in. Where were you sitting?”

“In the next booth to yours,” Vlad said smoothly. “I enjoy dining alone. It’s pleasant to just sit and hear the buzz of chatter around me.” His smirk widened, showing the gleaming diamond in his canine. “And it seems congratulations are in order.” He looked pointedly at Shona, dark eyes narrowed.

“Oh—on what?”

“The article in Motham Monthly. You came across wonderfully!”

“Thank you,” she muttered.

“Nice to get a free mention for the Kominsky brand too. Well, enjoy the rest of your evening, ladies,” he purred, then glided towards the door.

Shona gave Ivy a horrified look. “Do you think he heard?”

“I’m sure he didn’t, the partitions are quite thick.”

“We were giggling a lot.”

Ivy shrugged. “So, he heard us giggling—big deal.”