Page 93 of The Billionaire Orc

When she went outside everyone was chatting happily, but she could see Tor was looking for her.

She held on until all the guests left, her mom and dad offering Tor’s parents a lift home.

Babies were bundled into cars.

Lots of goodbye kisses were given.

Shona wondered if she should do another test?

No, it was pretty conclusive, and though it was early days, some inner sense told her this little orcling was embedded. She’d sensed something was different that time they’d made love with no expectations. They’d knotted almost lazily that day, an ecstatic but quiet bonding that reached beyond time and place. Afterward, they lay contentedly in each other’s arms until the knot subsided, and then they’d fallen asleep together.


Knowing they were mates for all time, no matter what. Babies or no babies.

And now…



“Are you okay pet?” His expression was worried.

“I have something to share with you. Come.” She took him by the hand and led him to the bathroom.

Showed him the test.

Tor stood for long moments staring at it.

“Um, does this mean what I think it does?”

“It means I’m pregnant.”

“Oh. Fuck. Oh babe.” His big green face crumpled.

He went to hug her, then pulled back. “No, I mustn’t squeeze you too tight.”

“I’m pregnant, Tor, not about to break!”

“Oh, but…”

“Look, it’s early days. But I have a good feeling deep inside me about it. and I’m sooooo tired.”

“Oh pet, come and sit down.”

As he sat her down and snuggled up next to her, she felt utterly content. She was in the one place she wanted to be, with her mate, and their orcling, a tiny little seed growing inside her.

Hers and her beloved orcs.

Epilogue 2

Tor raced along the hospital corridor, narrowly avoiding a nurse pushing a trolley of medications.

He’d been in a meeting when the news had come. Their little bundle of joy had decided to arrive a week early.

At last, he reached the maternity ward and there was his beautiful wife, legs spread wide, hollering her head off. She let out a definite orcish growl when she saw him. “Torrrrrrrr!”

“Here’s Dad,” the midwife said cheerily. “Gown up, and come and help.”