Page 92 of The Billionaire Orc

With her hair tied in many tiny blonde braids, and wearing the orc costume, his beloved looked glorious.

He’d quite happily tumble her onto the sofa here and have his way with her.

She did look tired, though. She’d been working too hard of late.

“The guests are here,” she told him.

And then they were busy welcoming Katrina and Lucia and little green curly-haired August. Tor looked into those sharp black eyes and could see a touch of vampire in the kid, but everything else about August’s appearance was pure orc.

Which he couldn’t help feeling relieved about.

Though with Matteus exiled permanently after his conviction for attempting to turn a human into an un-dead, Tor did feel a lot less worried about vampire blood in the family.

Ivy and Bryn arrived next, their newborn in the cot with its tiny teeny horns and hooves. “More him than me, as usual,” Ivy grumbled. “Not that I care really. I mean, there are too many problems with humans these days.”

Tor took the plate of food Shona was carrying.

“You okay, babe?”

“Sure, I’m fine. Why?” Her smile was a little cloudy.

He kissed her. “Too many younglings around?”

“No, really, I love it. Oh, excuse me a sec—” Clapping her hand over her mouth, he watched surprised as she ran from the room.

Shona lifted her head from over the toilet bowl.

It was the second time she’d vomited in two days. And somehow, it didn’t feel like gastro.

Shakily, she got up and went to the bathroom cabinet. Took out the test she’d hidden behind her make-up bottles.

This was not really the time to be doing a pregnancy test, but she was ten days late. She’d meant to do it before everyone got here, but now they were all happy and eating and drinking, why not?

She hadn’t even told Ivy anything.

But what if…

She peed on the stick.

She’d done so many of these in the past two years, but this time felt different somehow.

The smell of the food she’d cooked had made her feel nauseous.

And oh goddess, the fatigue was insane. She could barely stand up at the end of the day.

She scrunched her eyes closed and counted down three minutes, then she held the stick away from her face, opened her eyes and stared at it.

She expected to see one line. Same as always.

But nope. There were two lines. Strong as strong could be.

Her mouth fell open on a gasp.

Then her lips quivered.

They’d stopped trying and now, as if by a miracle, it seemed she was pregnant. But hey, it was early days. She’d keep her mouth shut, maybe not even tell Tor.

You must tell Tor. He’s your mate.