Page 38 of Matt

“What do you know?” I asked.

I’d been pretty sure of that when I’d let Matt take off, but I couldn’t afford to walk in blind with him. I’d fully intended to rally my guys and meet him down there when I had a plan in place. But I didn’t want to tell him that and risk that he’d get himself killed waiting for backup.

“Eddie’s got Speedball as bait,” Carter continued. ”I don’t know if he’s going to cap Matt the second he walks into the warehouse of if he’s going to play with him for a while, but Matt’s cover’s blown.”

As the words came out of his mouth, the door to my office burst open again and Chip and Knox ran in firing blindly toward us.

Carter and I dropped to the floor as shards of wood exploded around us while the GSD members fired into my desk.

I heard the other door open and more gunfire sounded, then everything went quiet.

“Griffin?” Peter called. “You hit?”

“We’re good,” I said, pushing myself to my feet again. “I take it they figured me out, too?”

“Yeah,” Peter agreed. “We had to take out the other members in the house. The minute Matt tore out of here, all the GSD guys started gunning for us.”

“How the fuck did this happen?” I yelled, grabbing a gun from my desk drawer and sliding it into my waistband.

“We aren’t sure yet,” Peter said. “But my best guess is that Eddie figured it out and ordered the hit. Probably with permission of the King.”

“We need to get to the warehouse,” I said, striding toward the door.

“I’ll call Barnes and meet you there,” Carter said, his phone already in his hand.

“What’s the plan, boss?” Peter asked, falling into step beside me.

I was going to do the only thing I could do, plan be damned. We were going in guns blazing to save the man I loved.

Chapter Nineteen


I crept through the dark warehouse, gun in hand, listening hard for any sound. But the place seemed deserted. As much as I wanted to call out for Kenny, I wasn’t ready to give away my position in case someone was lying in wait for me.

After I cleared the first floor, I took the stairs two at a time to the second, easing down the hallway toward Eddie’s office. I was almost to his door when I heard a soft whimper.

There was a sliver of light shining from under the door, and I pushed it open as I rushed past to the other side, sweeping my gaze and gun through the room. It appeared empty, but when I peered in again and looked down, I saw Kenny laying on the floor, his body quivering and his chest barely moving.

“Kenny!” I rushed forward, dropping to my knees at his side. “Jesus.”

“I didn’t give you up,” Kenny whispered, gazing up at me with his one good eye, the other completely swollen shut. “I didn’t tell him anything.”

“Shh,” I said, my gaze raking over him as anger and despair warred for control of my emotions. “Lay still. Let me help you.”

His face was beaten, bruised and swollen and he was covered in blood. I felt for his pulse and found it slow and weak. I began tearing at his clothes, desperately looking for the source of all that blood. When I ripped his shirt open, my stomach turned and I rolled away, vomiting on the carpet.

The word RAT was carved into his chest, deep and red and raw, blood oozing from the wound that still looked fresh.

“Snitches get stitches,” Eddie said from the doorway. “Or, they need them anyway. I don’t think Speedball’s gonna make it that long, though.”

“What the fuck, man?” I asked, staring at Eddie in shock. “Why would you do this to him? He’s just a kid. He’s fucking harmless.”

“He’s been helping the cops,” Eddie said, shrugging.

“No he hasn’t,” I insisted, getting to my feet. I took a step toward Eddie, but he raised his gun, pointing it at my chest.

“Now, the only way you could know that,” Eddie said, stepping closer to me and tightening his grip on the weapon. “Is if you know he wasn’t helping you. Give me your gun.”