Page 37 of Matt

“Yeah,” Griffin assured me. “It’s not like I expected you to feel the same or anything. I just…I don’t know. I wanted you to know.”

“Well, thank you.” I pulled my hand free and headed toward the door. “Are you coming?”

“I can’t,” he said, digging in his pocket then tossing me the keys to his Porsche. “I’ll see what I can find out from here. But we can’t both go in there.”

“Right.” I shook my head. I shouldn’t have been surprised, but it still hurt that he’d let me go in there alone. Especially since he assumed, like I did, that it was some kind of trap. But he was probably right. No sense in both of us getting killed. “I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

“Of course. Be careful. And call me if you need me.” Griffin paused then said firmly. “If it is Eddie, don’t fuck around. Just take him out. That’s an order.”

“Yes, sir,” I snapped, walking out and not quite slamming the door behind myself.

I couldn’t help thinking that if he really did love me, he would have insisted on providing backup. You didn’t just send someone you cared about into a blind situation.

But no. Griffin was always going to put himself first. And if I was walking into a trap, he wasn’t going to risk his own life to try to save mine and Kenny’s.

That was fine. I knew what I was getting with him. He could tell me loved me until he was blue in the face from screaming it. But until he decided to step up and put someone else first…I wasn’t sure I could really believe it.

I nodded to the guards as I walked down the hall past them, and they all nodded back to me. But when I reached the front and stepped out onto the porch, the door guard actually followed me outside.

“Matt,” he said softly. “Take this.”

He pressed a Glock 19 into my hand. I stared down at it, then raised an eyebrow at him.

“You gotta know who your real family is,” he said solemnly.

“I have a gun,” I said, my mouth dry and my heart hammering as I stared at him. Was he trying to tell me he was undercover? Or had he just picked up that phrase working for Griffin?

“Can’t ever have too many.” He glanced at the closed door behind himself before turning to me again. “Watch your ass out there tonight. Eddie’s gunning for you.”

“Where’s your loyalty?” I asked him, wondering who’s side he was really on.

“My loyalty is always blue. Sir.” He shifted his stance, moving his arm across his waist, probably to be closer to his gun.

“How many of us are there?” I whispered, realizing that he was yet another law enforcement agent undercover in the cartel, and confirming to him that I was as well.

“Way more than you think,” he admitted. His posture relaxed immediately, and I realized that he hadn’t actually been sure about me. But he’d risked exposing himself anyway. Was that a mark of how much he respected me…or how much he hated Eddie?

“Do you know anything that’s going to help me out right now?” I asked, checking the safety on the Glock he’d handed me before sliding into the front waistband of my jeans.

“No,” the man said firmly. “I don’t. I just know that Eddie’s got it in for you. And for G.”

“Well, thanks.” I held out my hand and shook his for a moment, then I turned and thundered down the stairs, racing toward the Porsche. I pulled both guns out and set them on the seat next to me as I slid behind the wheel, then I peeled out of the driveway and headed for the highway.

‘Way more than you think,’ the guard had said.

What the hell did that mean? I’d assumed I was the only one working undercover in Detroit. Then Griffin turned up as Prince. And now one of his guards was on the inside, too.

Why hadn’t Griffin told me who else I could trust? He knew I was sick of being alone. Knowing who else I could trust would have gone a long way in making me feel less isolated.

Of course, the man was a fed who’d spent nine years in the cartel lying, cheating, stealing and doing everything he had to do in order to survive. Maybe he was so used to keeping secrets that it was a habit he couldn’t easily break.

Not even for me.

Chapter Eighteen


“Matt’s walking into a trap,” Carter said, bursting through the door of my office before I’d even had a chance to sit down.