Page 28 of Matt

“Yeah well, I’ve learned from the best. Seriously though, what’s so urgent we had to be here this fucking early?”

“I got word yesterday that the Blue Horns are running Special K on our turf,” he said, pausing to take a sip of his own coffee. “So, we’re gonna teach them what happens when little gang bangers tread on our business.”

My stomach dropped as I stared at him.

“And what happens to them?” I asked.

“Oh, Matt.” Eddie blew out a chuckle as he reached behind himself and pulled out a Sig Sauer. He pressed it into my empty hand and grinned. “They don’t do it twice.”

“Right.” I nodded, dropping my gaze to check the safety on the gun before tucking it into the waistband of my jeans. “And they’re just meeting us here for an old-fashioned tussle? West Side Story style?”

“No.” Eddie rolled his eyes. “They’ve got a shipment coming in and we’re gonna take them out and confiscate the product.”

“That’s a plan,” I said sarcastically. “And how many of them are going to be here for this throwdown?”

He shrugged then drained his coffee, tossing the cup into the garbage can a few feet away.


I knew I needed to get away from him and call Griffin. I was positive that the Prince didn’t know anything about this. Griffin would have at least warned me…wouldn’t he have?

Of course, he said he always played his part. Maybe he wanted to see how far I’d go to keep my cover. He’d thought I wanted out. Was this how I was supposed to prove that I really was a soldier?

How the fuck did this get so bad so quickly?

“You know, I’m surprised your boyfriend didn’t tell you about this,” Eddie said softly.

“He’s not my boyfriend,” I snapped. “He’s my boss. Your boss. If he wanted me to know, he probably assumed you’d tell me.”

God, so Griffin did know? Or was this just another lie Eddie was pawning off on the Prince. Trying to seem more important that he really was.

“And I have.” Eddie spread his hands as if he was proving some point. “Listen. Here they come.”

He pulled my arm, leading me between a couple of trucks. We crouched down and I set my coffee next to a tire before pulling the gun free from my waistband.

My heart was hammering in my chest, and I had no idea how I was going to play this. I couldn’t just kill people. I was still a cop. But if I didn’t, I was going to get killed in the crossfire once Eddie started opening fire.

I could always just shoot Eddie. If I could break ranks from him, get behind him and take him out, even just wound him, he might not ever know it was me.

“We could try talking to them,” I whispered. “They may not even realize this is GSD territory.”

“The whole city is our territory,” Eddie reminded me. “And all the little gangs around here know it. You’re not chickening out on me, are you?”

“No.” I said firmly. “How are we gonna play this then?”

“Follow my lead,” Eddie said.

The approaching cars had parked, and I heard doors slam. Five of them. Then a group of voices talking, getting louder as they approached.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Eddie stood up and walked past me, stepping into the open space between parking spots.

“Hello, boys,” he said calmly. “Y’all lost or something?”

“Who the fuck are you?” a voice snapped.

“I’m Duke of the GSD,” Eddie said, his tone indicating that should have been obvious. “The better question is who the hell are you?”