Page 29 of Matt

He raised his gun and I swallowed hard as I got to my feet and clicked the safety off my own weapon, stepping up to stand next to him.

This was not how I wanted to die. Gunned down in a marina parking lot, a virgin, buried with a cartel brand on my chest.

“Come on man,” a tall, scrawny kid said, holding his hands out defensively in front of himself. He couldn’t have been more than eighteen years old. “We ain’t looking for trouble.”

“Well, you found it,” Eddie said.

I couldn’t stop myself from rolling my eyes. He sounded like a bad Bruce Willis movie.

One of the men behind the kid moved his arm as if to reach for a gun, but Eddie swung his weapon to point at him.

“No.” Eddie shook his head. “Don’t even think about it.”

“You can’t shoot all of us,” another man said, his lip twitching up into a smile.

I knew in my soul, before anyone even moved, that all hell was about to break loose.

And it did.

All of five of the men in front of us scattered, each drawing guns as they dove behind parked cars and started firing toward us.

I snagged Eddie by the collar and dragged him backward, tossing him to the ground behind me as I crouched next to the hood of a truck. Peeking around the bumper, I watched one of the men turn away from us, gesturing as if giving a signal to someone else, and I fired, aiming at the hand that was resting on the hood of a car.

He screamed and I knew I’d hit him. I ducked back down and turned to look for Eddie, but he was gone.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I didn’t know if he’d just abandoned me in the middle of a gunfight, or if he was sneaking around to flank the men on their other side. But it didn’t matter. I had to assume I was on my own to get out of there alive.

And genius me didn’t even have a car to escape in. I swore to myself that if I made it out of there alive, I would give serious thought to shooting Eddie on general principal.

I heard footsteps scuffling in the gravel coming closer and duck-walked backward, keeping my gaze locked on the spaces between the trucks. I dove behind the tailgate just as a figure stepped into the gap and raised his gun. He fired off two shots and they hit the car behind me, sending sparks and pieces of shrapnel toward me, scalding hot metal glancing off my arm and cutting a gash into it as I scurried further down the row.

“Why you boys running?” a clear voice called out. “You’re the ones who wanted to play fuck around and find out.”

“Yeah, I thought the GSD were big and bad,” another voice chimed in. “But they just sent two little girls to do their dirty work.”

I crouched down and peered under the car, seeing a pair of feet standing just on the other side. I hadn’t noticed what kind of shoes Eddie had been wearing, but I was pretty sure they weren’t bright red.

Holding my breath, I leaned even further forward and tilted the Sig, firing a shot at the toes. A scream pierced the air and the body collapsed to the ground. I jumped up and ran, ducking as shots rang out around me.

Where the fuck were the cops? Someone had to have called them by now, right? At least if I got arrested I’d be alive. And then maybe I would just get out. This was bullshit.

“Matt!” Eddie called in a loud whisper. “You okay?”

“Where the fuck did you go?” I snapped, skidding to a stop next to him and leaning against the car he was hiding behind. “This was your fucking idea, bro. Why am I the only one shooting people?”

“I got one,” he said defensively. “How many did you get?”

“Two,” I said. Which wasn’t a lie. I had shot two of them. I just hadn’t killed anyone.

I heard more cars pulling into the parking lot and I wasn’t sure if I was hoping that it was or wasn’t the police.

“Enough!” a voice yelled loudly, the sound carrying on the breeze. “Everyone out. Now!”

Eddie and I stayed where we were, but we could hear the others moving.

“That includes my Duke and my Knight!” Another voice yelled, and I realized it was Griffin.