“Relax, you have to know it was a joke. Remember you used to polish our nails?”
“Yeah, your dad didn’t like it very much though.” We laughed remembering his outburst over it. “He handled it better than when you tried on dresses with me.”
“Why in the world did I do that? He hasn’t let me forget it all these years.”
“Something to do with you being jealous that girls got to dress up and I said ‘dress up with me, then’.”
“I meant dress up like costumes, not an actual dress.”
“That’s all I had at the time. You looked adorable in my hot pink skirt.” I turned the music back up before he could answer.
“I say let’s get you to the hairdresser. They can do those nails too.” He had turned the music down again. “I’ll go with you.”
“I don’t need to be made perfect to ask for sponsorship. Maybe if I look like what I am, which is a working girl, they will have pity on me.”
“The rich respond to the rich, at least that’s what my girlfriend’s mother says, and if you aren’t up to par with them, they won’t even look in your direction.”
“Fine, I’ll go. Let me see if Dr. Garcia will keep an eye on Netty.”
Forty-five minutes later, we were on our way in my granddad’s old Chevy truck to be primped and pampered. Josh had made the appointment; I was at his mercy as to what was going to happen.
I’m not sure who needs this more, me or him. I know he’s more upset about his girl leaving than he’s letting on.
“What color polish are you getting?” I asked, straight-faced. “Personally, I think you’re a summer.”
“Very good, that was my thought exactly,” the hostess to the salon said as she approached. “I hear you are getting the works.”
“No, ma’am, we’re getting nails and hair.” I glared at Josh. “He may have suggested more. Well, I don’t know what more is, actually.”
“I saw on your reservation- hair, nails, and facial.”
“Don’t forget the massage,” Josh added. “We totally need the massages.”
“Josh, I agreed to hair and nails to fit in, not the rest.” I jabbed him with my elbow when she turned away. “I can’t afford this.”
“You don’t have to. Dr. Garcia called me after you asked him to watch Netty.”
“What did he want? Was he upset about watching her?”
“No, he said to make sure you got the works, the whole thing is on him, for both of us.”
“No way, he already does too much.”
“Could you let someone do something nice for you, just once in a while, Kleine? He loves you like you were his own daughter.” He grabbed me from exiting the building. “If you turn it down, he will see it as an insult.”
“Stop using psychology on me. I took all of those classes, I know the tricks.”
“We’re ready for you.” A lady in a smock waved us over. “We’re going to start with your hair. I think the color is good, but it needs shine and moisture.”
“What about me?” Josh spun around.
“You’re so stupid with that, knock it off.” I rolled my eyes at him in the mirror. “On second thought, can you do something to smooth out those curls?”
“Never!” He walked away.
“Your boyfriend is funny. You don’t really want to smooth out his curls, do you?”
“Not my boyfriend, and never. I only wanted to irritate him because he is always teasing me.”