“Good to know. The girls in the back think him to be attractive. Is he single?”
“He has a girl, but she’s leaving in two weeks.” I spun my chair to face her. “Tell them they should talk to him.”
“I’ll let them know. Right now we need to get you beautiful.” She spun my chair back to face the mirror. “What make-up do you use?”
“I rarely use make-up.”
“Your skin is lovely and so tan. What regimen do you do?”
“Lots and lots of salt water mixed with a little bit of lotion.” I shrugged. “Never been much for all the fuss. Plus, I’m in the water all of the time.”
“We’re going to get you all fixed up for your party. You’re going to knock their socks off.”
“Ihaven’t heard that phrase in years.” The memory of it made me smile. “You do whatever is needed. I’m on a mission.”
“Your friend, Josh, told me about the party when he called. You’re so lucky to get to go to that.” She pulled my hair out of its normal ponytail. “Everyone is always dressed so glamorous.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of. I don’t have that kind of wardrobe.”
“What do you mean? Your dress choices were dropped off an hour ago.”
“You might have me mixed up with someone else. There are definitely no dress choices. What I do have is wetsuit choices.”
“Is that like a new designer? I’m not familiar.”
Oh boy. I hope she can do hair because that is scary.
Chapter Eight
“Dalton, don’t forget the party tonight. It’s one of our biggest here in Miami.” Kellan stood at my office door. “All of the Hawthornes need to be in attendance.”
“I don’t need you to tell me what’s important to the family, Kellan.” We stared at each other. “What’s your real problem? You’ve been riding me for over a year and, as far as I can tell, you have no real reason.”
“I don’t have time for this discussion today.” He turned to leave.
“Kellan, are you happy?”
“Very happy. Why do you ask?” He half turned back.
“Because you spend a lot of time being angry with me for nothing and it occurred to me you might be unhappy.”
“That’s pretty insightful, Dalton, but you need not be concerned.”
“I disagree. There has to be a problem that you are on me daily. I work as hard as you do. Let me rephrase that. No one works as hard as you do, but I work hard.”
“You play hard as well,” he chirped.
“You should try it some time. Your wife might enjoy it too.”
“My wife isn’t like that. She’s happy the way we are.”
“Are you sure? Have you asked her?”
“I’m not doing this with you, Dalt. This thing we’re doing isn’t about me, it’s about you.”
“What about me?”