Page 19 of Between Brothers

“Like what?” I ask, baffled.

She tosses up her hands, looking back at me. “Things that sound too perfect. Like something out of a movie or a romance novel.”

I frown. “And this is bad?”

“No, I mean—I just don’t know if it’s real.”

“I won’t lie to you,” I say, closing the space between us. “I’m many things, but I am not a liar. I’m telling the truth when I say I’ve never felt like this before.”

I grab her hands and place her palms on my chest. “This is real. You are real. I am real.”

She steps even closer as her palms press against me. “I can feel your heart beating,” she whispers.

I look down at her as she lifts her face to me, and we’re mere inches from each other.

“Do you feel it, too?” I ask. “This draw between us that feels like crackling lightning?”

She’s close enough that I can feel it when she trembles. “Yes,” she whispers.

Fuck patience.

I bend down and press my lips to hers.

She gasps into my mouth, so soft and sweet.

I feel a spark light inside my entire body. Lust and the need to devour her. This is what it must be like when the gods strike you with lightning.

I cup her jaw, my hands moving to tangle in her thick hair as I kiss her more deeply. Her mouth opens to mine and though I am not capable of it, I swear I die in that moment as I’m swept away in her sweetness.

How can the mating of mouths feel this good?

One of her hands is still pressed against my racing heart, while the other grabs the waist of my pants. I grow stiff and hard as I pull her in closer.

She groans into my mouth, fingers fisting against my bare stomach and the worn leather of my pants.

I want to mate her. I want to bear her down to the soft grasses and fuck her sweet cunt so, so badly. I want to tear open my pants and release my stiff cock—

My tail whips restlessly in the air behind me. Gods of the Great Hall, I want it so badly.

I want it so badly. . . and yet.

My hand still in her hair, I tug away from her questing mouth.

She lets out a little protesting moan. And I want to bring her back into me even more.

She’s blinking, and for a moment, our eyes search each other. Her lips are berry pink from our kisses. And more than anything, I want her to trust me. To know that all I want is her pleasure.

“May I explore your body?”

Her mouth drops open. “I—W-what?”

“I want to free you from these clothes and explore every inch of your body with my tongue and lips.”

“O-oh.” She pauses in silence, breaths coming quickly.

Have I pressed for too much, too fast? Dammit, I was supposed to have patience. But before I can withdraw my request, she looks around as if to ensure we are alone and then pulls her shirt over her head.

I grin, awash with a flush of joy at every new inch of her flesh that is exposed to me. But she is not nearly bare to me yet. Another contraption covers her voluptuous breasts, soft mountains that I immediately want to cover with my hands.