Page 20 of Between Brothers

She sees where my eyes are. “D-do you want me to take my bra off?”

I swallow and meet her gaze. Patience. “I want what you want,” I say low, stepping closer to her and dropping my lips to the soft skin of her shoulder.

How, how, can skin be so soft? I inhale her, and she shudders as I skim my lips over to her collarbone.

“Holy shit,” she whispers low. “How can you make me feel like this when you’re barely even touching me? Usually I don’t let anyone touch me without the lights off. But you make me feel…”

She’s trembling and so warm. Her arms twist around behind her, and the thick cloth securing her breasts suddenly loosens.

I pull back slightly in surprise as she slides the straps down her arms.

I’m transfixed as the cups drop away from her ample chest, and all the air blasts out of my lungs when her huge, swinging teats are revealed.

Immediately, my hands take the place of the cloth cups. She’s so deliciously heavy in my hands. Heavy but soft at the same time, so round and full.

“I know they aren’t the perkiest,” she says, eyes down.

“They’re perfect,” I breathe out, my voice husky from trying to hold back my wild lust. “I can’t imagine any more perfect.”

I move around behind her back so that my hands can cup her fully, my thumbs and fingertips toying with the pebbled nipples that peak her perfect, full breasts as I embrace her. I’ve never touched anything more womanly, and I’ve never felt more male.

My cock is fully hard in my pants, and she can’t help but feel it jamming into her equally ample ass as I nestle my lips against the nape of her neck and start laying kisses there. Apparently, she doesn’t mind because she presses her round ass back against me, delighting in how she affects me.

She pulls her long hair to the side so I have better access to her neck.

Ahhhh, yes. To have a female delighting in my touch. . . it’s headier than any alcohol or drug I’ve ever tried. The way she gives herself to me. . .

My teeth nibble her flesh, and she whines, a little high-pitched needy noise that’s so exquisite, I want to live in this moment forever.

“Remus,” she whispers. “Remus.”

And then she flips around to face me and throws her arms around my neck. At first, I’m surprised and worried about her hands making contact with Romulus. But my hood stays in place, and her fevered eyes are only on me as she lunges forward, bare breasts pressed to my chest as she kisses me.

In this moment, there is only her and I.

I’m allowed what I’ve never been allowed before. To simply be myself, taking what I want.

And all I want is her.

I welcome her embrace, though I do redirect her arms to my waist, where I feel more comfortable. She secures her arms to me and tugs me in so close her soft bosoms smush against my chest. The feel of her flesh against my flesh—fuck—and then her lips are on mine again.

It’s not like before. Not gentle, fleeting kisses, me pulling passion from her.

No. Her passion is wild as she kisses me. Her lips and tongue seek and take, and now we devour each other with the same passion. She will drive me wild. She will drive me beyond control.

My hands want to be everywhere exploring her. Memorizing the moment and her curves. The feel of her against me. I massage down her shoulders to her waist, where I squeeze her, then I get to her hips.

And encounter her pants.

I pull away from her lips only long enough to demand, “I want to see all of you. As you are.”

She nods, immediately knowing what I mean, and together, our hands fumble to get down her stretchy coverings, peeling them off and revealing the acres of gorgeous, creamy flesh I but glimpsed last night.

I twist and take us down to the ground, flapping my wings once so that we have a smooth, soft landing. She squeals in surprise as I lay us down, one of my soft, feathered wings beneath her as an extra layer of softness between her and the grassy ground.

And then, starting at her ankle, I begin to kiss up her skin.

As if to entice me even more, her skin becomes softer as I kiss up to her knee, then softer still once I make it to her thighs.