Page 87 of Old-Fashioned

Just the thought of what I wanted to do to her body, pregnant or not, had my cock rock hard at the thought of it.


“Will you tell me where we’re going now?” she asked for the fifth time in less than thirty minutes.

I grinned, “Nope. Keep your pantyhose on, baby.”

Her indignant gasp had me chuckling, and then like my woman could, she slapped my chest, “You told me you didn’t like that movie.”

“I fibbed. It was damn good, but you won’t ever be putting yourself in a situation like she was.”

I could tell she had a brow raised as she asked, “And why is that?”

“Because I’ll be damned if you go first. I wouldn’t be able to take it.”

“Why do I get the feeling that we are going to be who passes within minutes of the other?” She asked with a breathy smile, that still to this day, brings me to my knees.

At the stop light, I smiled at her and then winked, “Baby girl, we are that couple.”

It was a few minutes when she said, “But… one of us would need to remain on this earth for our child.”

I shrugged, “This may make me an asshole, but Birdie, you are my earth. You’re what grounds me. If we were never able to have kids, I would be fine with it. Yes, I’m going to love our child unconditionally, and yes, I will always have a part of you with him or her.”

“I know there’s a but,” she said softly.

“But I’m a selfish bastard. And I’m not sure I could look upon their face and not hate them if something were to ever happen to you.”

“You wouldn’t ever be able to hate them, Abel. Because you would always have parts of me in them. No, you would wrap them in bubble wrap and suffocate them to ensure that they are never harmed. The same I know you wish you could do with me.”

I grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles, “I know you’re right.”

“But I love that you have no fear with me, and you’re able to share your deepest wishes. That doesn’t make you an asshole, Abel.”

Glad you think that because you’re really about to call me an asshole.” I smirked at her, and inwardly, I let her words rush through my system.

She was right of course.

She always was.

And I didn’t deserve her.

But fuck would I ever stop trying to earn her.

I felt her eyes on me as I made a right turn, “Why am I going to be calling you an asshole?”

I winced at this part, because ever since she got pregnant, she’s gotten motion sickness. But I had something that helped.

It fucking better work.

“Abel… you’re being too quiet over there. What’s going on?”

I tagged the blindfold in the center console she hadn’t seen yet and said, “I know you get motion sickness if you have your eyes closed or your head is down. And for this I need your eyes closed.”

That was when I handed her the blindfold and the bag of Reese Pieces, the moment she saw the orange bag her eyes went wide and then she grabbed them, opened the bag, and popped a few in her mouth, and then sighed.

“That good huh?” I asked feeling pretty damn good about myself.

Until she quipped, “Almost better than an orgasm.”