If I didn’t have someone behind me, I would have slammed on my brakes, and not cared if they ate the back of my truck.
However, not with Birdie in the passenger seat beside me, and when she started giggling, and then laughing so hard she had tears running from the corner of her eyes, I whispered, “Payback is gonna be a bitch.”
She winked at me, “Bring it on, big boy.”
“Eat your candy, and when I tell you, put the blindfold on. You better tell me if you start to feel nauseous. Okay?”
When she nodded, I looked back at the road, and ten minutes later I said, “Okay, Baby girl, blindfold on.”
She didn’t hesitate to slip the blindfold on, but not before she got the bag of candy just so, so she could reach it, and pop the candies in her mouth with no issues.
As soon as she had the blindfold in place and was comfortable, she said, “Okay. But Abel Black, if you cause me to pee on myself, I will never forgive you.”
I nodded, even though she couldn’t see me, and said the ever-present, “Yes ma’am.”
Two minutes later, when I saw the sign for Sawyer’s Garage, I put my turn signal on and then pulled into the lot.
I had this on my mind ever since Birdie and I had talked that first time in length, and she told me all about her dream car.
And after a lot of searching, and a lot of money spent, I couldn’t wait to show my Birdie what I had found for her.
Parking the truck, I looked at Birdie, “Blindfold stays on, I’ll help you out. Okay?”
At her nod, I climbed out, rounded the hood, and then look at the open bay doors to see a man and a woman walking out.
I’ve yet to see another couple have the same height difference as Birdie and I have and seeing it on another couple had me chuckling.
“Abel Black? The man called out.
I nodded, then looked at the woman, “Briar Caine?”
The woman nodded, and when they reached me, she held out her hand, which I shook, as she said, “Good to meet you.” Then she nodded to Birdie in the cab of my truck, “Is she ready?”
That was when I offered Drake Caine my hand as well.
Once we shook, I looked at Briar, nodded, and then grinned, “Yeah.”
With that, I walked to the passenger side of the truck, opened the door, and said, “You ready Baby girl?”
She nodded, “Yes.”
Carefully, I moved the already almost empty bag of candy and placed it in the center console, and then with my hands on Birdie’s hips, I lifted her and then sat her down on her feet.
“I’ll tell you when you can take the blindfold off. You’re walking on pavement. No steps. Okay?”
She nodded, but something had me freezing, she had a slight furrow in her forehead which told me she was scrunching her brows, “Are you okay?”
She nodded again, then rubbed her very round belly, “Yeah, just slight pressure. I’m okay. Your baby is moving and frolicking every which way today.”
I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I had been holding, “Okay.”
With that, I took her hands in mine and said, “Okay start walking. I’ve got you.”
She took careful steps and followed my lead.
As soon as we passed Briar and Drake Caine, they too turned and followed us.
I didn’t need to ask which bay the car was in, I’d already seen it, and I hoped like fuck, Birdie would be okay with the color of it.