Page 117 of Rook

Everyone in attendance took turns taking a bite of a cake pop. Sean and his wife were there with their infant daughter. Holden showed up along with Ava, Declan’s sister, and her fiancé, Harrison. Abby and Carrie’s folks arrived with Declan’s mom and dad. All four were decked out in white T-shirts stamped with messages about them being future grandparents.

Carrie’s mom and stepdad have grown fond of Kirby. I was the first to visit them alone one day when Carrie was at the lab. I stopped by with flowers and a case of beer and introduced myself as the man in love with their daughter.

Hugs followed, along with an afternoon filled with stories about Carrie. I saved each one to memory, and when I left, it was with an invitation to visit them a week later with their daughter and mine.

I did that, and we’ve seen them at least every couple of weeks since.

“I still can’t believe Abby will have a son,” Carrie whispers. “And his name, Rook.”

Her voice cracks with the same emotion that overwhelmed her last night when her sister stood in front of her and announced that her son will be named Gilbert Stetson Wells.

Gilbert after my love and Stetson for Declan’s late grandfather.

It’s a fitting tribute to two people who have played pivotal roles in baby Gilbert’s life.

“He’ll be a remarkable boy,” I tell her. “How can he not be with a name like that?”

She laughs. “Abby told me that if it was a girl, her middle name would have been Carrie. That still was such a gift to hear.”

“Your sister adores you,” I tell her something that is blatantly obvious.

Dragging a hand over her cheek, she smiles. “We should get up before Kirbs.”

“We have time,” I say to stall her.

“She gets up at the crack of dawn, Rook,” she reminds me. “It’s almost six, and you know that I like to make her breakfast as soon as she’s awake.”

I do know that.

Whenever Carrie spends the night when I have Kirby, she takes it upon herself to prepare my daughter’s breakfast and packs her a lunch for kindergarten if needed.

Kirby loves her as much as I do, and when Chesca dropped off Kirby one day two months ago, and I introduced her to Carrie, the two women hugged.

Something unspoken passed between them, but I sense it involved their shared love for our daughter.

“One more kiss,” I tempt her with a trail of kisses over her neck.

She turns toward me, offering her full lips to me. “How can I possibly say no to that?”

Thirty minutes later, Carrie is dressed in jeans and one of my law firm’s T-shirts as she tugs her hair into a ponytail. “I was thinking of bringing a few more work things over here. Clothes, I mean. Dresses, heels, that kind of thing.”

Since it’s Saturday, I view it as the perfect day for that, but I want more. “Let’s pack it all up and bring it over.”

Her eyes widen. “We’d need to talk to Kirby about that, and I’ve have to get boxes for all of my stuff.”

“All of that is doable,” I say as I button my jeans.

Her gaze trails over my bare chest. “Cam and Tel are still looking for a place in Brooklyn. I could rent my apartment to them.”

“Or sell it to them,” I suggest. “The market is hot right now, beautiful. You’d come out ahead.”

Nodding, she bites the corner of her bottom lip. “It all makes sense, but Kirbs.”

“We’ll talk to her today,” I say, even though I know exactly what my daughter wants.

Her mom introduced her to Brian a few weeks ago, and soon, Kirby will meet his son. Kirby and I have discussed my future with Carrie at length, and even though she’s only five, she understands how much I love the woman I’m currently staring at.

“I’ll go get breakfast started.”