Page 118 of Rook

I fasten my watch back around my wrist after putting on another of the firm’s T-shirts. “I’ll help.”

I watch her walk to the bedroom door, knowing exactly what’s waiting for her on the other side.

She swings it open, and then a scream erupts.

It’s not Carrie. It’s Kirby.

I hear Milo’s voice in the distance, too. He snuck in about an hour ago to help Kirby prepare for this.

“What’s happening?” Carrie asks as I step in place beside her.

Lavender rose petals line the hallway leading out to the main living area.

I grab hold of one of her hands while Kirby tugs on the other, guiding us both toward our final destination.

I catch Milo slipping out of the apartment just as we reach the main room.

I toss him a wave. He blows me a kiss, and then he’s gone.

Carrie glances around the room at the endless bouquets of lavender roses and the framed artwork sitting atop an array of easels.

Each drawing on display was created by Kirby. They are all her depictions of the three of us.

The one in the center of the room features me in a dark suit with my eyes twice the size of my head. Kirby is in the middle of the drawing with a phone in her hand and a plate with what looks like cake on top of it.

Carrie is unmistakable in the drawing.

Her brown hair is past her knees. A tiara sits atop her head, and she’s dressed completely in white. It’s a wedding dress.

Kirby’s hand shakes as she races to the easel and drops to a knee to retrieve a small box from the floor.

By the time she’s back to where we are, I’m down on a bended knee.

Kirby sits down on my thigh as if it’s a chair.

Carrie lets out a sob. “Is this…”

“We want you to marry us,” my daughter takes over. “Daddy is going to tell you he loves you to the moon and back four times and that he can’t stop kissing you.”

“True.” I nod.

Carrie laughs through her tears.

“I want to spend every day making you the happiest woman who has ever lived,” I say softly. “I will move heaven and earth to protect you. I cherish you.”

“What he’s trying to say is marry us,” Kirby interjects. “Please, and thank you.”

“I will,” Carrie whispers. “I will a million times over.”

“Give her the ring!” Kirby whisper shouts. “We went to see Ivy, and she made it perfect for all of us.”

Ivy Marlow-Walker is the jeweler who designed the ring that will adorn my beautiful fiancée’s finger. Telford is the one who suggested I visit her since she handled the design of Cam’s engagement ring and the bands for their upcoming wedding.

Diamonds circle the silver band that I chose for Carrie.

One simple large diamond is the centerpiece. That is a symbol of my love. On either side of it and covering the entire band are small pink diamonds. Those were Kirby’s choice to demonstrate her love for Carrie.

“It’s perfect.” Carrie can’t tear her gaze from it.