Page 2 of Rook

“She won’t.” I smile. “We need to work. We have to turn in our samples by the end of the day.”

Telford glances at the long counter that holds all of the vials that contain small amounts of the concoctions we’ve spent the past two months working on. Matiz is one of the world’s most successful cosmetic brands. When I landed a position as a fragrance chemist with the company, it was like winning the lottery. The job is everything I’ve ever wanted, but if we don’t get these samples submitted now, we’ll have a lot of explaining to do.

“Let’s get to work.” He looks into my green eyes. “My next proposal will be the one. I can feel it.”

I’m not convinced, but I give him an A for effort.

“That dress could not be more perfect.” My sister stands back and stares at me. “Look at your waist, Carrie.”

I adjust my black-rimmed eyeglasses and peer into the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the middle of this bridal boutique. Katie Rose Bridal is the go-to destination in Manhattan if you need a wedding gown in record time and a gorgeous deep green maid-of-honor dress.

I smooth both hands over the sleek skirt of the dress. “I look hot, don’t I?”

Abby grins from ear to ear. “I’ll say. The color complements your eyes and your hair. Have you decided if you’re wearing it up or down for my big day?”

I tuck a lock of my brown hair behind my right ear. “Up, I think. I’ll get Joanie to twist it into something sophisticated.”

Joanie has become my stylist over the past few months. She works at a salon in the lobby of the Bishop Hotel. I met her when Abby sent me to the hotel for a self-care weekend. I indulged in everything I hadn’t in years, including a manicure, pedicure, and haircut.

Abby’s hand glides over my shoulder. “I love that idea. I’m going to wear mine down.”

I glance past her to the fitting room area. “You should put your dress on now. Let’s see how we look side-by-side.”

Her gaze drops. “I will, but I’m nervous.”

“Nervous?” I step down from the slightly raised pedestal I’ve been standing on. “Why? You’re not having second thoughts, are you? I happen to know that Declan loves you bunches. I’m talking a million or two bunches. The man is crazy about you.”

A soft smile glides over her lips. “I know he does. I love him a lot, too. It’s not that, Carrie. It’s something else.”

I step closer to her so I can lower my voice. It’s evening, and the boutique will close in less than an hour, but at least half a dozen customers are still milling about, trying on dresses and veils. “What’s going on? You know you can tell me anything.”

Drawing a deep breath, tears well in the corners of her hazel eyes. “Carrie, I’m…”

“Missing your mom?” I interrupt because I know how hard it is for her to express that vocally.

Her mom’s death hit her as hard as my dad’s hit me. We were both kids when it happened, but through all that grief, a new love was born when our widowed parents met at a baseball game. They got married a year later when Abby and I were fourteen.

She nods. “Yes, but that’s not it.”

Stumped but still wanting to comfort her, I yank her closer. “Tell me, Abby. Just say it.”

Holding tightly to me, she whispers words I’m not expecting, “I’m pregnant, Carrie. I’m going to have a baby.”

I jump back, giddy with excitement. “Are you being serious?”

“Very serious.” Her entire face glows with a smile. “I’m due on my dad’s birthday.”

“What?” I shriek, not caring that heads are turning in our direction. “You are serious.”

She pats her stomach beneath the red dress she’s wearing. “I’ve gained a few pounds since I bought my wedding dress. I hope it fits.”

“We’ll make sure it does.” The boutique’s owner, Kate Burke, smiles as she approaches us. “I wasn’t trying to overhear, but I did. Congratulations, Abby.”

Abby’s smile widens even more. “Do you really think you can get the dress to work?”

“I know our seamstress can.” Kate glances at me. “Wow, Carrie! You look like a dream.”

I take another look at myself in the mirror. “I may need to wear this dress every single day after the wedding.”