Page 3 of Rook

“Or you might be planning your wedding after you wear that to mine.” Abby laughs.

I shake my head. “You said it’s going to be an intimate gathering. Exactly how many single men will be there?”

She wiggles two fingers in the air. “Declan’s friend, Holden, and, of course, Rook will be there. He RSVP’d yesterday, and he’s not bringing a guest.”

Rook Thorsen is not only close friends with my future brother-in-law, but he’s also my sister’s boss. I met him once in Abby’s office months ago. The man is the hottest that’s ever lived, but the fact that he’s in a long-term relationship with the mother of his daughter makes him completely off-limits.

I can’t say I’m shocked that his girlfriend isn’t accompanying him to the wedding. She’s a supermodel. She must be recognized every time she rounds a corner.

“He’s taken,” I remind Abby. “He’s in love with Chesca, remember?”

“They’re not together,” she stresses each word because she believes it’s true.

She’s not the one who stalks his social media profiles. I am, and I’ve seen him in enough pictures with his daughter’s mom to know they’re still going strong.

I keep promising myself I’ll stop looking at his posts, but with his black hair and striking blue eyes, it’s hard not to sneak a peek whenever I can.

“Maybe I’ll bring a date,” I tease. “I think Telford is free.”

Kate laughs. “As much as I love listening to this drama, we need to start your fitting, Abby.”

My sister glances in my direction. “You can bring whoever you want. All I want is for you to have fun at my wedding. Promise me you will.”

“Sure,” I say with a weak smile.

If her definition of fun is me staring at Rook Thorsen all night, I’ll have the time of my life.



“I’m looking at the Empress and her snakes building,” my daughter announces as we make our way home from the library.

“Empire State Building,” I correct her gently. “That’s the Chrysler Building, though, Kirby.”

Her small sneakers edge forward on the sidewalk. “Are you sure?”

Squeezing her hand, I nod. “I’m pretty sure.”

“You have been alive forever,” she reasons. “I’ve only been on earth for five years, so maybe you know buildings better.”

“I know a few,” I tell her gently. “Where should we head next?”

She sighs deeply before pushing a hand through her blonde hair. “Ice cream?”

I glance at the watch on my wrist. “It’s not even noon.”

“So?” she shoots back with one of her signature smirks. “If I eat ice cream now and skip it for dessert later, it’s even, right?”

That’s hard to argue with, but I need to give it a shot. “If you eat ice cream now, you won’t be hungry for lunch.”

“Don’t be a lawyer right now, Dad.”

I work to keep a straight face because those words come from the lips of her mother. Chesca Mills was never a fan of my profession, even though she threw legal questions at me left and right when we were together.

That all stopped just over a year ago when we broke up. I’d say it was one of the best days of my life, but it was hard on Kirby. She’s come to accept that even if her mom and I aren’t together anymore, that doesn’t change how much we love her.

“I’m your dad first,” I point out as we slow to wait for a crossing light. “I’m an attorney second.”