Page 67 of Delicate

“Fuck you, Rhett. Pull over. I’ll Uber the rest of the ride home.”

“No, that’s crazy. We’ve got two hours left. That’ll cost you a fortune.”

She turns her entire body to face the window, covers herself with a blanket, and stares out the window.


“I’m sorry, Maia. I shouldn’t have said that.”

She doesn’t respond.

In fact, she doesn’t speak for the rest of the ride home.

When we finally arrive home, she says nothing as she gathers her things from my car.

“Can I at least walk you in?”

“No thanks.”

“C’mon, Maia. Don’t be like this.”

“Enjoy your space from me, Rhett. I’ll give you plenty.” She whirls around and storms off.

“Wait, Maia!” I call, but she doesn’t stop. I watch her walk into our apartment building and slam the door behind her. Not a glance back or a flip of her finger.


I take my time getting into my apartment. No one’s home, and honestly, I couldn’t be happier. The last thing I feel like is small talk.

I toss my bags, pillows, and blanket on the floor of my room. I sit down at my desk and stare at the wall. I’m fucking tired as all hell, but I doubt I’ll fall asleep. It’s too early anyway, considering it's just after three in the afternoon.

Instead, I change into my wetsuit, grab my surfing gear, and head back out the door. Maybe surfing will clear my head.

It’s always helped me before.

Yet something tells me not even surfing can help me this time.

Chapter 23


It’s a miracle my roommates aren’t home. I didn’t want to deal with their questions and curiosity. Not that there’s anything wrong with it. But I know I’ll sob the entire time and that’s not how I went to tell them about Florida.

It was a great trip. An amazing trip.

The ending? Not so much. But I’m not letting this thing between Rhett and I ruin my memories or taint the trip in any way.

Once in the shower, I fall apart and cry until no tears are left. I cry for having to leave Rhett’s family, I cry for Rhett’s harsh words, and I cry for what we had that’s now marked with hurtful words and actions we can’t undo.

When I’m all out of tears and the water’s nearly cold, I put on clean pajamas and climb into bed. I lie there until I fall asleep, hoping that when I wake up, my heart won’t be so broken. It’s a lie I tell myself so I’ll fall asleep, and when I wake in the middle of the night, having slept since four in the afternoon, I feel worse.

I am hungry, though, so I make my way to the kitchen for a midnight snack. I run smack dab into Lennox, Holden, Everleigh, Landon, and of course Rhett.

“Hey! Sleeping beauty is finally awake!” Len says and runs over to me. I must look like a mess in my pj’s and wild hair, but I don’t care. She hugs me tight, and Ev’s right behind her. “I missed you so much!”

“We want all the details!” Ev giggles and hugs me tight. “They can wait until tomorrow.” Her words slur a bit, and it makes me smile. A drunk Ev is always a good time.

“Do you want a drink, Maia?” Landon asks as Holden waves, and Rhett stares at me.