Page 68 of Delicate

I really fucking wish he wouldn’t.

“Yes, please.” Might as well get drunk if I have to tolerate Rhett staring at me.

“I heard you two got real close on your little road trip!” Landon wiggles his eyebrows, and I shoot daggers at Rhett.

“Ha, that’s funny. I think if anything, we grew more distant.”

Everyone looks my way, and I smirk. “Just kidding. It was fun. Can I have that drink now?”

Len and Ev glance at me. I know I’m not acting like myself, but I can’t help it. He stands there acting like nothing is wrong. How does he pretend? Because I fucking can’t.

Landon hands me my drink, and I chug half of it down.

“Whoa, Maia. Slow down. I have plenty more,” Landon says, and I shrug.

“Good. Will you make me another, please?” I shoot the rest down in one shot.

Rhett watches with an unreadable look on his face. It pisses me off more.

“How about we wait a minute? Want a drink of water between?” Ev asks, and I shake my head.

“No. Just another drink, please.” I glare at Rhett, and he sighs.

“Alright, you two. What the fuck is going on? The tension is so thick in here,” Len says as she looks between us.

“Nothing. I want to celebrate being home, that’s all.”

“And I haven’t said a damn word,” Rhett retorts.

“Well, the looks you two keep exchanging could kill. So spill it.”

“It’s nothing, Len. Even if something was going on, do you really think I’d want to talk about it in front of everyone?” My question sounds ruder than I intended. But I just can’t believe her calling us out in front of a damn audience.

“You know what, forget the drink. I’m going back to bed. Night, everyone.” I feel the heat of all of their stares as I walk back to my room. Tears burn at the corners of my eyes. I slam the door and hurry under my covers.

Not a minute later, there’s a knock on my door.

I open it to find Len and Ev standing there.

“I’m sorry, Mi. What a bitch I am.”

I chuckle. “Kind of. But I was being one too.”

“Okay, hug it out, you two,” Ev says, and we do. Then I pull the girls inside and tell them everything.

“Do you love him?” Len asks, and I nod my head.

“But shh. It’s not reciprocated. He wants to be strictly friends. Please don’t say anything.”

Ev and Len exchange glances.


“It’s definitely reciprocated, Maia. Are you nuts? I almost took Holden into my room. The sexual tension, my God.”

Ev giggles. “She’s right, Mi.”

“He might look like that, but trust me. He asked me for space when we got back. I don’t see what you two are seeing.”