I groaned as he sank his nails deeper.
Think. You can do this.
“Maybe not legally. Dad, Lincoln is smart. He doesn’t need to have the law enforcement help him with that. He probably knows how to do one without even involving them.”
I hated that we had to give up this information so early. It would have been nice to keep up this charade a little longer.
My dad retracted his claws and shifted back to his human hand, and he flexed it a few times before letting it fall to his side. “He is smart, unfortunately. I have consistently underestimated him. A mistake I won’t keep making.”
I grimaced as he put his palm on my torn shoulder.
“You understand why I had to be sure,” he said.
I forced a smile. The weight on my chest pressed so hard I feared I might pass out. My dad was an excellent liar. Did he actually believe me, or was this just a false sense of security now? I couldn’t be sure.
“We can’t have a traitor amongst us. I know that, Dad. What we are doing is too important.”
Mikey’s mouth popped open. “You believe that, Sawyer?”
My dad turned to look at Mikey and held up a hand. “I do. Sawyer has never done anything to betray my trust. I understand your hesitations, son, but all three of us are on the same side.”
Mikey’s brows scrunched together in a frown, and he narrowed his eyes at me. There was an unsaid challenge there. He was waiting for me to screw up.
I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction.
Dad put his other hand on Mikey’s shoulder. “Let it go, Mikey. I can’t have my sons warring with each other when we have far more important things to do.”
I held out my hand to Mikey. “We need to work together, Mikey.”
He batted my hand away and turned on his heel, stomping up the stairs like a petulant child.
Dad didn’t say anything until the basement door slammed shut. “He wants to be alpha.”
I rolled my eyes. That was insane. He was too strung out to ever be alpha. That didn’t mean he didn’t have aspirations to be one, though. I was the one standing in his way. If he got rid of me, then he’d be the next in line.
Keeping my cover wasn’t my only concern. I had to watch my back because Mikey would stab me in it the first chance he got.
My dad briefly closed his eyes as he dropped his hand from my shoulder. “I’ll keep him in check. We both know that he doesn’t have it in him to lead.”
I huffed.
He turned to look at me, his eyes gleaming. “It doesn’t mean that I won’t pass the pack to him if I find out you’re a traitor. If I ever find out that you’ve done anything to help your brother, death would be a kindness I wouldn’t allow you.”
I sucked in a breath before plastering a smile on my face. “I guess it’s a good thing that will never happen.”
He patted my shoulder and then squeezed it, not giving a damn that it was the same one he’d torn into a moment ago. “Good. Come on. We have an attack to plan.”
I blinked, not sure I’d heard him right. “We’re still planning to attack them? We don’t have the wolfsbane.”
My dad crossed to the stairs and rested his hand on the banister before turning back to me, a wicked gleam in his eyes. “They think they’re safe now that they stole our wolfsbane. I think it’s high time we show them just how unsafe they are.”
I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t speak.
“They don’t think we’ll come without the wolfsbane, so we’ll attack tomorrow night. We’re going to head home, prepare the men, and head out tomorrow at midday. We’ll show them just how vulnerable they really are.”
He turned around and marched up the steps.
My throat tightened. We’d taken the wolfsbane, but it had done nothing to stop the impending attack.