My dad was still gunning for Lincoln and Sloane, and nothing I said was going to change his mind.
We were supposed to be sleeping. Instead, I paced the length of my bedroom while Lincoln watched me from his spot on the edge of the bed.
My eyelids were heavy, and every muscle in my body felt on edge, making my back and neck stiff. The wall clock showed it was a little after one in the morning.
Lincoln patted the bed before pulling the blankets back. “We should get some sleep. Sawyer is alive. He’ll come to us once he’s able.”
I gently massaged my right shoulder, but it didn’t work out the soreness ebbing below the surface. “He was in trouble. I can still feel the anxiousness swirling inside me.”
I put my hand on my stomach and blew out a breath. A weight had settled in there, tying my belly into tight knots.
Lincoln slipped beneath the covers and pulled them back on my side. “I know. But whatever happened, it’s passed. He doesn’t seem as panicked as before.”
Lincoln was right. The panic had been debilitating a few hours ago. Neither of us could breathe. It was like someone stomped on our chests while choking us.
He patted the bed again. “Sloane, we don’t have a choice but to wait for Sawyer to come to us. Please come to bed. We have a long day ahead of us.”
Dark circles hung beneath his eyes, and the rest of his face looked pale. Lincoln wouldn’t rest if I didn’t.
I went to my bathroom and snagged a hair tie from my brush, then flipped my head over and pulled my locks into a high messy bun. I trudged back into the bedroom and flopped down on the bed.
Lincoln pulled me to him as he tugged the comforter up over my shoulders. “I’m worried too.”
I threaded my fingers with his and tucked my elbow under my head, staring at my window. “I don’t think I can sleep.”
He kissed my collarbone. “I know it’s hard. Sawyer is alive. We both can feel that.”
I licked my lips. “But when you were captured, you blocked me out. I only caught bits and pieces every once in a while when things were really bad. What if Sawyer is doing the same thing?”
Lincoln squeezed my hand but didn’t say anything. No doubt he was having the same internal debate.
I knew Sawyer. He kept everything bottled up inside him. If he’d been caught, he would do everything in his power to shield Lincoln and me from finding out and seeing the abuse.
I squeezed my eyes shut, but it didn’t stop a few tears from trickling out. The longer we went without talking to him, the more likely my worst fears were a reality.
Luna must have taken pity on me. The world hummed around me then, and I shot up, clutching the covers to my chest.
Lincoln pushed up too just as Sawyer appeared at the opposite side of the room.
I shoved the covers back, jumped out of bed, ran at him, and flung myself into his arms. Lincoln was right behind me, and once again, they sandwiched me in between them.
I shut my eyes and relaxed, glad to have both of their strong arms wrapped around me.
Too soon, Sawyer pulled back. He tucked a finger under my chin and looked from me to Lincoln. “I’m sorry I worried you. I’m okay. I promise.”
He smiled, but it didn’t meet his eyes.
Lincoln put his hands on my shoulders, massaging them. “What happened, Sawyer?”
Sawyer pressed his lips together. “Randy called Dad this afternoon. He missed the call, but Dad insisted we go check it out today. Randy was gone, and so was the wolfsbane. I assume you have it?”
Lincoln and I both nodded.
I reached out and put a hand on his chest. “Does he suspect you?”