I met Sloane’s gaze. “Be careful with it.”
She pressed her mouth into a thin smile. “We will.” She turned to her brother. “Come on, Mark. There are some gloves over here.”
I turned back to our dealer as Sloane and Mark went to work. “What were you making for my dad?”
The guy swallowed and did his best to avoid eye contact. “He wanted about a quarter of the product to be injectable and the rest of it as an aerosol.”
I gritted my teeth. He intended to take people alive and use the wolfsbane as a method of torture. It wasn’t surprising.
The dealer wet his lips. “You guys figure out a way to get high off that stuff or something? I tried to smoke it a few times and…nothing.”
This idiot tried to smoke it?
I lifted a brow. “Or something. Have you made any of it injectable?”
The guy nodded and pointed to a bin on the far end of the desk. “Some. The syringes are all in there.”
“Thanks. I’m going to need some extra syringes and the directions on how to make it injectable and an aerosol.”
I grabbed the bag from Sloane and the syringes from the table as Sloane and Mark clomped up the stairs.
I turned back to the guy. “Hey, you should make sure you’re not here when my dad comes. He can be pretty mean when he’s angry.”
I turned on my heel and jogged up the steps. Sloane and Mark were waiting for me by the door.
Sloane opened it. “Are we sure we have everything?”
I had a full bag, and Mark had two, plus the syringes. It was more than what my dad usually got. “Yeah. I’m sure.”
My stomach knotted. Hopefully, our friend downstairs didn’t have more stashed away. I shifted on my feet as I considered it. No, he’d given us what he had. It was all out on the table. There was no reason for him to keep some on the side.
Wolves were the only ones who wanted wolfsbane. I’d never heard of a human getting high off it.
Mark led the way out to the car, and Sloane popped the trunk. We shoved everything in there and then got in the car.
Sloane slid across the back seat so she sat right next to me and sighed, resting her head on my shoulder. “Do you think he’ll listen and leave?”
I turned back to the house as Brandon eased us onto the road. The guy stood in the doorway watching us.
I wrapped an arm around Sloane. “I don’t know. We gave him our advice. That’s the best we can do.”
She hummed. “Do you think your dad will think anything of him calling? I don’t think he actually spoke to him, but…”
I sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly while I tried to rub out the knot forming just beneath my collarbone. “I don’t know. It doesn’t matter. He’s hours away from here.”
The drive from Sloane’s took five hours. It would be even farther for my dad.
Sloane pulled away from me and retrieved her phone from her jacket pocket. “I should text my dad and let him know everything went according to plan.”
Her fingers shook as she typed out a quick reply, and then she shoved her phone back into her pocket. She offered me a small smile before she snuggled into me, her head resting on my shoulder once again.
Her breathing evened out after a moment. I blinked my eyes slowly, my eyelids growing heavier by the moment until I couldn’t keep them open any longer.
The car jostled, pulling me out of sleep. I peeked one eye open and then the other. The car rocked back and forth, and it took me a moment to realize we were on a gravel road.
No, not a road. A driveway. We were back at Sloane’s. I narrowed my eyes and peered out the window.
The sun dipped beneath the trees as dusk settled in. That was the worst thing about the beginning of fall—it started to get dark early.