Page 41 of Wolf Obsessed

The illuminated lights on the dash said it was only a little after eight.

Sloane grumbled against me. She nuzzled her face into the crook of my neck, and her warm breath glided over my skin, sending a shiver through me. Her hand slid over my thigh, inching its way toward my groin.

I put a hand over the top of hers and gave her a gentle shake. “Hey, we’re back home.”

She groaned and arched forward, her hand inching dangerously closer to my cock. I wouldn’t mind if we were alone, but I didn’t want a hard-on when we got out of the car or if we ran into her dad.

He had asked for an update when we got back about his inquiry of Sloane. We’d spoken briefly about it, but she’d never said what she was going to do. I’d have to ask her once we were alone.

Sloane pulled away from me and scooted over to the passenger side. She stretched her arms out and rolled her shoulders.

Brandon pulled up right in front of the house. The front door opened, and Sloane’s mom stepped out onto the porch, waving as we pulled up. Two enforcers were with her.

She led them down the steps and toward the car as Brandon killed the motor. Sloane opened her door at the same time I did, and we climbed out together.

We met her mom at the back of the car just as the two enforcers opened the trunk.

Sloane’s mom sighed and shook her head as she covered her mouth with her hand. “There is so much of it.”

She turned to the two enforcers. “Take it to the barn where we discussed, please.”

I put my hand on the back of the car. “The instructions on the different ways to weaponize it are in the bags, too.”

Sloane’s mom pressed her lips together. “Make sure the men know that and get started right away. And for goodness’ sake, please tell everyone to be careful with that stuff. I don’t want anyone getting hurt.”

One of the men dipped his head. “Of course, Mrs. Kathleen.”

The guys gathered up the wolfsbane and trudged down the trail to one of the barns.

Kathleen kept her hand over her mouth as she watched them leave. “I don’t like having that stuff here. The idea of using it makes my skin crawl.”

Sloane put an arm around her mom’s shoulder and hugged her from behind. “Better here than with Alpha Dane. We’ll only use it defensively. There’s a difference.”

She made a noise in the back of her throat before turning to us. Her gaze darted over Sloane before turning to me, Brandon, and Mark with her nose scrunched up.

“You all look exhausted. Especially you, Sloane and Lincoln. Go inside and get cleaned up. You smell horrible, and then get some rest. I fear we have more long days ahead of us.”

Sloane lifted her shirt and inhaled. Her expression fell at the same time she let go of her shirt. “We smell like cigarettes.”

Kathleen waved her hand in front of her face. “Yes, you do. I’ll never understand why people enjoy those things. The smell alone is enough to put you off, not to mention the effect on your health.”

Mark and Brandon mumbled something and then headed inside. Sloane looked like she wanted to follow but didn’t.

She shifted on her feet and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Mom, is Dad available? I need to talk to him.”

Kathleen cupped Sloane’s cheek and gave it a gentle pat. “He’s meeting with a few alphas this evening. He told me he spoke with you. I’m sure you can talk to him in the morning. You look beat.”

Kathleen’s gaze snapped to me, and a frown marred her features. “You both look like you haven’t slept in a week. Go upstairs and get a good night’s rest. It can wait until morning. I’ll let him know you’ll be stopping by after breakfast.”

Sloane hugged her mom. “Thanks.”

Kathleen rubbed her hands up and down Sloane’s back. The action reminded me of my own mother. I’d never really thought much about how much I missed her until I saw Kathleen’s love for her children.

My mom had been a kind soul. She’d loved me and my siblings fiercely. Dad too. I prayed she was at peace and blissfully unaware of what had happened after her passing.

Kathleen pulled away and reached out to grasp my hand. “You two go upstairs, get cleaned up, and get some sleep. I’ll have someone set some chili outside your bedroom door in about thirty minutes. Lincoln, darling, you were at death’s door not too long ago. I don’t want you to overdo it.”

I bowed my head as heat flushed my cheeks. My heart fluttered in my chest. Kathleen reminded me so much of my own mother. She was warm and caring, and she made me feel like this was where I belonged. Like I was home.