I down the first and release an appreciative groan as I loll my head backwards.
There’s a knock on my door. “What the fuck?” I grumble as I place the glass on the edge of the liquor cabinet and look at my watch. Did I call the blonde and she’s here already? Wait, did I? I don’t remember. I walk over to the door and open it. What the actual...
“You sent your little FBI agent to intimidate me?” she asks, barging into my house and pushing past me.
“Get out, or I’ll call the police.”
A condescending laugh escapes past her lips. “Go ahead.” She walks straight over to my liquor cabinet and pours herself a scotch. Frankie screws her nose once she’s consumed it. “What is this shit?”
I’m still standing at the open door. “Get out.” I point outside.
She saunters over to the sofa and sits. She extends her arms out beside her, all with a fucking smirk. “Who decorated? Your grandmother? Do you have doilies on your kitchen table too?”
My muscles quiver as my teeth grind together. “Get the fuck out!” I warn.
Frankie takes a deep breath and releases it slowly as she arches a defiant brow. “You’re not hospitable at all, are you, Miller?”
I’ve had it with her brazen, childish behavior. I slam the door shut and storm over to her. I lean down and grab Frankie by the arm, yanking her up off my sofa. “I told you to get the fuck out.” I drag her over toward the door, but she manages to land a punch in my side, winding me and forcing me to relax my grip on her.
She takes a step backward, but I regain my composure and grab her around the neck and pin her to the door. A slow smile tugs at her lips as she stares at me. Suddenly, I hear the snick of a gun’s safety, then feel the cold barrel under my arm. “I knew this was going to be fun,” she says with a husky darkness.
“Fun?” Adrenaline pumps through me as I tighten my fingers around her throat.
Frankie sinks her teeth into her bottom lip. “Aren’t you enjoying yourself, Miller?” My name sounds like a blazing fire from her full lips.
I find myself wildly attracted to this dangerous game she’s playing. My cock springs to life, and in the moment I want to be buried inside her. I want my hands wrapped around her throat while I’m thrusting into Frankie’s wet pussy. I lean into her, my mouth so close to hers I can feel her hot breath caressing my skin. “I told you to get out.” She jams the gun into my ribs. The pain is not unwelcome. “I could have you thrown in jail for what you’re doing.” I skim my thumb across her throat before applying more pressure.
She takes a breath, and with a dangerous glint in her eyes, Frankie sweeps her tongue across her lower lip. God, why am I so aroused by her and her mouth. “And your hands are around my neck.”
I drive my body into hers, caging her against the door. Frankie’s left leg widens, giving me the access I want. Our bodies push into one another’s. This interaction is dangerous in more ways than one. “I could easily take your life right now,” I whisper as I lean in closer, our lips barely touching.
She moves the gun so now it’s poking me under the arm. She skims her mouth across mine. I’m instantly craving more of Frankie DeLuca. I want to taste every part of her, ravage her like a beast with no control. “Imagine how much fun we could have if we just...” Frankie pauses as she stares at me. I could literally end her life right here, but she’s not afraid. Not even a little, and that in itself is terrifying. She re-engages the safety, and with the gun still in her hand she places both her palms on my chest. The smile quickly fades from her face, though her arrogance stays in place. With my hands still firmly around her throat, she leans into me and whispers, “Good luck trying to take me down, Miller.” She places a small kiss below my ear, forcing me to roll my eyes closed and lean into her tender touch. “Good fucking luck.”
She smacks me on the side of the head with the gun. My grip on her releases, and I stumble back, cradling my head. The door opens and she simply vanishes, like she was never here to begin with. “Fuck!” I scream with frustration.
I let her play me.
Frankie DeLuca is dangerous, and I’m going to tear her down.
Chapter 9
“Hey,” I say to my brother when I enter the office. “Get ready.”
“Why?” He looks up from his laptop, a deep V on his forehead.
“We have a meeting.”
“What about and who with?”
“Saccos, Augustas, and Venanzis.”
“Do I need to be there? I’m inundated with work, and I need to head into Darkness and Destruction in about an hour.”
“What are you doing at the clubs?”