Page 23 of Mob Queen

“Aha,” he says. “What do you need?”

“You know who the DeLuca family is, right?”

He scoffs. “Yeah, I know who they are.”

“Is there any way you can pay Frankie DeLuca a visit?”

“Why? What have you got?” Tyler’s voice changes in pitch, it becomes more serious – business like.

“I don’t have anything, but I want to make it uncomfortable for them here, and run them out of the state.”

“Good luck with that, Miller. Because let me tell you, there are a handful of families that own the east coast, from Maine to Florida, and the DeLucas have got a wide reach.”

“Did you know the father was assassinated?”

“We knew about it within twenty-four hours.”

“Could you use that to drop in on Frankie?”

“Man, what are you doing?”

“I told you. I want her to know that we’re looking at her.”

“I need to get the okay from my superiors.”

“Do you think you can ask?” I drum my fingers on the closed DeLuca file as I wait for his reply.

“Let me see what I can do.”

I hang up and sit staring at the file for a few moments as a slow smile stretches my lips. Frankie DeLuca has no idea how much of a living hell I can make her life.

It’s time she finds out.

* * *

I’ve loosened my tie, and I’ve run my hand through my hair so many times that it’s a jumbled mess. The knock on the door is a welcome distraction. “Yeah?”

Zac opens the door and enters my office. “Before I leave for the night, do you want me to order you some food?”

I notice he has his jacket on, and his laptop bag is slung over his shoulder. “Um.” I close my eyes for a moment and run my hand over them, relieving the tension. “What time is it?”

“It’s nearly seven.”

“Seven?” I snap my eyes open to look at the time, and sure enough, it’s five minutes to seven. “No, I’ll get ready to leave too.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Zac closes the door, and I’m left to finish working on the email I need to send. Today’s been a savage day with endless emails, phone calls, and millions of mind-numbing questions.

Although I could spend the next few hours stuck in the office, I decide it’s probably best if I head home and try to unwind. Maybe have a drink or two and call the blonde from the other night.

God only knows I need a good fucking to relieve the mounting stress. Maybe once I fuck the blonde, I’ll be able to get a decent night’s sleep.

I rub my fingertips across my eyes to alleviate the tiredness and pressure. The moment my eyes open, I focus on packing and leaving. I need to get out of here.

I navigate the streets effortlessly toward home. I take a deep breath as I relax against the seat, thinking about the day. But mostly, about Frankie. She’s...incredible. But also dangerous. I need to get her out of my state.

My phone is pinging consistently ? as it does every hour of the day. By the time I arrive home, I glance at the countless emails and calls and decide to silence my phone tonight and deal with it all tomorrow.

I shrug out of my suit jacket and throw it haplessly over the back of the couch as I walk toward my liquor cabinet to pour myself a scotch.