It took everything within me not to wipe them away.

He didn’t seem phased. He sat on the hull of the boat with his pole in the water, eating snacks, and drinking beer. I know I raised him better than this. I wonder if he was already seeing the new girl at that time. I don’t know if I’ll ever get through to him.

I roll my eyes and push to the edge of the bed before heading toward the bathroom to wash up. The mirror is the slap of truth I need. I’m old. Really fucking old. Compared to Lark, I’m ancient.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

As I turn off the faucet, my phone rings. It’s my buddy Austin. He never calls this late, so I answer.

“Something wrong?”

“Ya busy?”

“Nah, man. Just getting ready for bed.” I haven’t told a soul what I feel about Lark, and I probably never will. “What’s up?”

“I’ve got everyone together to help out at the bakery tomorrow. We’ve got a few walls left to put up, then some paintin’ over to the general store. Gotta get some of this damage fixed from that damn bear.”

“Bear or the Alaskans,” I laugh. It’s an inside joke at this point, but he gets it.

“Damn Alaskans!” he chuckles. “Can’t trust ‘em!”

We both laugh. The Alaskans came into town a couple months ago to help hunt a grizzly bear that had been stalking the area. Everyone in town hated having them. They were big, rough, and they kept trespassing. I think it was an accident, but some people up here aren’t forgiving when it comes to their land rights.

Anyway, they got the bear situation handled, but ruined a few buildings in the process. Now, we’re all trying to fix it at no cost to the owners.

“The Alaskans will be there to help, and so will a few guys from around town I’ve pulled together. You good for noon tomorrow?”

“I’ll be there.”

“Knew you would be.” He clears his throat. “How’s everythin’ going on the ranch?”

“Good. Just got the barn built for the new horses. I’ve got a few foals coming in for summer. What about you? The rodeo treating you well?”

“Yeah, we’re expectin’ big numbers this year. You should ride again.”

I laugh. “Never. Not sure how you still do it.”

“Body gets used to it. Keeps ya young. Come on… one more ride!”

“Can’t do it. Thanks, man. I’ll definitely come watch, though.” The last time I rode in the rodeo was about twenty years ago, and even then I wasn’t good. Austin’s family raised him to ride, and he’s been religious about it since.

“Alright, well, I’ll see you tomorrow then. Bring any extra wood you have layin’ around. We might need it.”

“Got it. See you tomorrow.”

The line disconnects and I’m standing staring at the wall in the bedroom. My conversation with Austin should’ve pulled me out of my head, but it didn’t. Every word from his mouth only made me think of Lark.

How she’d look with my tool belt on. How happy she’d be to help out on the project. How excited I’d be to look over and see her there next to me. How I’ll never have any of those things.

It’s late, but I toss on my jeans, grab a t-shirt from the closet, and head outside.

Splitting wood always gets my head straight, and right now, I could use all the straightening I can get.

Chapter Three


Dolly answers on the first ring. She sounds hungover. “Ugh… what time is it?”