“Five p.m. I was starting to worry about you.”

“Five o’clock? Like in the evening?”

I nod, though she can’t see me. “Yeah, I’m about to go on this stupid date with Bobby and I needed some details.”

“What kind of details?” There’s rustling in the background like she’s grabbing a glass from the cupboard. “I barely know him.”

“We went to school together. What are you talking about?”

“So, that doesn’t mean I know him.”

Bobby was quiet in school, like really quiet. “All I know is that he likes math and that he played the trumpet in band. I don’t think that’s enough to build a relationship off of.” I shrug. “Oh, and last night, he was rambling on and on about the details of some train car he’s into. I lost focus immediately.”

She laughs, and water runs. “Is that what put you to sleep?”

“Maybe. I don’t remember much after he left the table.”

“Other than Clive walking in. You have a thing for him, don’t you?”

“What? I didn’t even notice.”

She laughs and pills rattle in the background. “Whatever! I saw the look on your face when he showed up yesterday. You wanted to crawl all over him.”

“Stop! No, I didn’t. He’s Cody’s dad. That’s weird!”

I hear the grin in her voice as she says, “Is it, though? He’s available. You’re available. How was the ride home last night?”

“Okay, you can stop now. I have a date with an age-appropriate man in like ten minutes. How’d the rest of your night go? Run into Austin?”

She huffs. “Okay, I deserved that. He’s busy doing rodeo stuff and fixing up the bakery.”

“Ask him to go with you to your mom’s wedding next month.”

I can hear her rolling her eyes. “Yeah, I have the same issue you do. The man is full grown. He’d want nothing to do with me.”

“Break the ice for us both. I know you want to.” I laugh as the words leave my lips.

“Yeah, nope! Not feeling like embarrassing myself like that. But if I start feeling reckless, I’ll let you know,” she chuckles under a yawn. “I’m going to take a nap. Call me when the date is over. I need to know all the details. Love you!”

“Love you too, bestie!”

I don’t know how we became friends. We’re two completely different people. Dolly loves everyone, and she makes friends wherever she goes. I’ve always attributed it to her natural beauty, but it’s her personality too. She has this way about her that draws everyone in. Maybe it’s her smile.

I should smile more.

I look in the mirror and practice a wide grin, but I look more like a circus clown, so I soften and turn away. Maybe I’ve been scaring people away. Lord, hopefully I didn’t smile like this at Clive. I can’t imagine the nightmares he’d have about me if he saw this Joker grin.

I drag in a deep breath as a heavy knock hits the front door. I already know tonight is going to be a mess. It’s not that I don’t like Bobby, I do. He’s a nice guy. Straight A’s all through high school, he volunteers at the humane society, and he’s working his way through college by helping on his grandpa’s farm. Around here, that’s as good as it gets.

That said, the same way I feel Clive owning a room when he walks into it, I feel Bobby’s disingenuousness. He hasn’t done anything particularly that would make me think he’s fake. There’s just something about him that gives me that feeling. Maybe it’s all in my head. It probably is. I’m probably forcing away all the good guys in order to keep the fantasy alive that someday I’ll belong to Clive.

I laugh at the thought and open the front door, immediately erasing the horrendous grin off my face.

Bobby notices. “Oh! You look great, but is everything okay?”

I smile again, this time softer, though it still feels forced. “I’m good! Sorry, I’m currently overthinking everything. How are you?”

He drags his gaze up and down my frame before reaching out for a hug. “Better now! I’ve been looking forward to this. You ready?”