“You’re not old enough to drink,” Bella called out as Booker turned to go back in the clubhouse.

“Oh, I’m drinkin’,” he said, going through the door.

“Well, I think the camel finally broke its back,” Bristyl said.

“You have no idea,” Tanner responded.

I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, and my gaze followed, seeing Raid stalking up the driveway and through the grassy area. This overwhelming relief of his presence hit me hard. My body was instantly drawn to him.

He was beautiful. Every inch of him was hard and rough. I’d touched it. Kissed it. Studied it. Felt it. And I really wanted all of it over and over again.

“Hey,” he said, getting responses from the table, but his gaze didn’t leave mine. It was like a magnet wanting to meet. My chest squeezed and pulse picked up. Shit.

“Hey,” I said back, my head tipping up the closer he got. With me sitting, he was extremely tall.

“Havin’ fun?” he asked with a small smile tipping his lips like he already knew the answer.

“Oh, you’ve been watchin’ the whole time,” Austyn said, my gaze going to her.


Austyn lifted her finger, and I followed it, seeing a camera. I looked up at Raid. “You were watchin’ us?”

“No. He was watchin’ you,” Bella responded, and I felt my mouth go dry. Holy shit.

I swung around to Raid. “Seriously?

He shrugged and pulled out his phone, typed some keys, and put it back in his cut. “That’s what the cameras are for.”

“Right…” I drawled out just as the clubhouse door burst open and Booker came out with a folded chair in one arm and a beer in his other hand.

Booker opened it and handed it to Raid. “Here ya go.”

Raid took the chair and set it down. “You brought me a beer too?”

Booker looked shocked for a moment but then said, “Nah, man. It’s mine.”

“Give it,” Raid ordered, holding out his hand.

Booker placed the bottle in Raid’s hand on a deep sigh.

I thought Raid would start to drink it, but I was so very wrong. Raid lifted it and threw it. The bottle went sailing across the concrete and shattered on the ground, glass spraying everywhere.

“Clean it up,” Raid ordered.

Booker grumbled then moved over to the shattered bottle. The women around the table started laughing, and I felt myself smirking.

Raid grabbed the chair and set it right behind me and sat down. "Next time you have a beer in your hand when you’re bringin’ a brother somethin’, it had better be for that brother,” Raid called out to Booker who was picking up the glass.

“Right,” Booker grumbled.

“Oh, boy. You should know better by now,” Tanner yelled out while everyone laughed.

“He’s lucky Rhys hasn’t found him yet,” Austyn said low.

“What’d I miss?” Raid asked.

“Just Booker puttin’ his foot up his ass when it comes to Mazie,” Indie answered.