“He’ll learn,” Raid said as his hand reached out and moved around my stomach, almost pulling me off the picnic bench.

“Raid,” I called out, but he ignored me until I was awkwardly sitting half on the bench and half on him.

“Shut it,” he said, and I felt my temper hitch.

“Cujo!” I yelled.

“Oh my God. You call him Cujo!” Indie yelled and started laughing. The entire table joined in.

“You’re so gettin’ called that from now on,” Austyn said in laughter.

“Fine by me,” Raid said, his chest now at my back, my ass resting partially on his leg so I didn’t fall. But I wasn’t sure how I felt about others calling him the name I’d given him. It was mine in a way.

Raid’s hand rested on my thigh, his thumb making lazy circles on it. He had no idea that small little touch was heating my body.

Since I couldn’t see behind me, I didn’t know exactly how he was sitting, but he was able to lean into my ear and say, “Loved watchin’ you laughin’ and havin’ fun.”

I tipped my head back to meet his eyes. “They had a lot of funny stories about you and your naked butt runnin’ around the club.”

He chuckled. “You’ve been tellin’ her all the good stuff?”

“And about when you made me Smurfette,” Emery stated.

“When you got caught with your pants down at school,” Indie chimed in.

His body shook behind me, laughing of course. “Good times.”

“How about the Nair in Rylynn’s conditioner?” Raid threw in.

“Holy shit! That was you!!” Tanner gasped. “Rhys was so pissed when his hair started fallin’ out!”

Raid chuckled. “Yeah, that was supposed to be for Rylynn. Had a little mix-up.”

“I’m so tellin’ Rhys,” Tanner said.

Raid shrugged. “I’d deserve it.”

Raid rested his chin on my shoulder, and I glanced over at Bella. Her eyes were glistening. Holy shit. Was she crying?

“You ready to go home?” Raid said low in my ear.

Oh, hell yes. This had been fun. But I didn’t know how to answer these woman’s questions, and I was taking the out. Not to mention my body was on fire for Raid.


“Let’s go.” He rose, picking me up with him, then set me on my feet.

“We’re headin’ out,” Raid said, letting go of me. He moved to his mom and kissed her on top of her head and then came back to me.

“Bye. Thanks for the stories,” I told the women, and I tried really hard not to register the looks on their faces. But I saw it. I knew what was happening here. Knew that this couldn’t happen.

Not only could I hurt Raid, but I could hurt all of them if Miles ever found me. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to them because of me.

I needed to cut ties with Raid. Needed to cut ties with the Ravage MC.

Fuck if that didn’t hurt.