Austyn laughed. “Oh, I helped with that one.”
“You didn’t!” Emery fired back, her glare hardcore.
“How did you think he got into the house?” Austyn told her.
“I’m so getting you back for that one. I couldn’t get that shit out for weeks.” Emery’s hand slammed down on the table. “They called me Smurfette!”
This only made Austyn burst into laughter, along with the other women and myself for that matter.
Indie had a beer in hand and sat next to me. She’d been inside with Ax, and her picking the spot next to me probably wasn’t the best thing. Was she going to try to do the big sister thing? The don’t XYZ with Raid or she’d kill me thing?
“I’ve got one better,” Indie said, leaning into me. “I went to high school with them.”
They’d been together since high school. Did that kind of thing actually happen these days?
“Go figure that Raid and Ax were heartthrobs in school. Every girl wanted them, and they didn’t have to work for a damn thing. There was this girl who told Raid she gave the best blow jobs. All he had to do was meet her under the tree at the corner edge of the school lot, and she would ‘blow his mind’. He took her up on it. Was back there, pants unbuttoned, ready and waiting. Except, the girl got caught by a teacher and squealed like a pig about what she was doing. Said teacher found Raid with his pants around his ankles stroking himself, getting ready for her.” She had to pause and catch her breath.
“Get this. You wanna know what Raid told the teacher?” Indie asked.
“Sure,” I gasped.
“That he could serve detention with his pants up or down. Which would she want?”
I gasped. “Holy fuck. To the teacher? Please tell me they duct taped his pants to his body.”
“Unfortunately, no. He did have detention, after he was suspended and had to go through a class on appropriate school behavior.”
This had me in stitches.
I grabbed my stomach in laughter. Yes, I couldn’t remember a time in my life when I’d laughed like this. Ever.
It had been about two hours and I wondered where Raid was. Not for him to come and rescue me or anything like that. Just that I was concerned about him. I had a strange feeling but couldn’t put my finger on what it was. It niggled in the back of my head. I guessed time would tell.
“Alright. Now that you’re all buttered up and happy, talk, woman. What’s goin’ on with you and Raid,” Indie boldly asked, and everyone around the table dropped their laughter a few notches. I knew she was going to hit me. She was just waiting for the right time to start.
I couldn’t be pissed at her. Personally, I was thankful she gave me time to feel a little more relaxed with the intense eyes on me.
“New meat,” I said, hearing some chuckles. “There’s no label on Raid and me. We’re just havin’ a good time. Getting to know one another.” A really good time. After saying it, though, I couldn’t help but look at Bella. It was one thing to be a fuck buddy, but it was a complete other to say it in front of the guy’s mother. I had it in me to feel a little uneasy about it.
She just smiled and gave me a small wink.
A wink.
I was fucking her son, and she winked.
I didn’t even know how to take this. It only added to the confusion in my head. She couldn’t be happy I was out there fucking her son.
“Honey, for as smart and quick as you seem to be, that’s a damn lie. Maybe you don’t get it, but in this world, the Ravage world, he brought you in. Brought you into a family only party. Unless you majorly fuck up, there will be no out.” This came from Tanner while Princess studied me in a way that left me feeling stripped bare.
I knew I had to say something to that powerful statement, but I had a feeling no matter what I said they weren’t going to buy what I was trying to sell them.
“I work at a bar. Raid’s hot; I’m not blind. I’m single; he’s, well, popular with everyone. I thought it would be fun to see what all the bar bathroom talk was about,” I said on a shrug as if Tanner’s words didn’t hit me somewhere I’d closed off a long time ago. Something I never thought would be in my grasp.
This got more laughter. Then Austyn, Princess’ daughter said, “There ain’t a Ravage man who wouldn’t take you for a ride, but to come here… He brought you to family. What’s that mean to you?”
I was in way over my head, that was what the fuck that meant. It meant I was drowning in a dark hole.
Did Raid really feel that way about me?