Micah smiled. “Fuck yeah I do. It has to be hard wired. The panel is in the basement. Y’all clear the place while you and I”—he pointed to me—“move our asses down there and get this shit done.”

I nodded as Micah gave me further instructions. “Won’t be time to fuck around. Need you to clear my path.”

“Got it,” I answered. I wasn’t big on orders, but from my brothers on a job, I’d do it without a word.

Moving through the lot and into the woods, we did it like we were on a mission. No noise. Barely any movement on the ground as if we were floating.

Ax held his arm out to stop us. “We don’t have a lot of time to get up there and turn shit off. Run like your ass is on fire.”

On a nod, we took off. I moved to the back door, Micah on my heels. Knowing the alarm would go off immediately once the door was opened, we didn’t do it soft. Lifting my boot, I kicked in the door.

“Move!” I said, moving through the kitchen and seeing the door to the basement. The knob was locked, so I kicked that fucker too.

Gun in hand, I moved quickly down the stairs and saw no threat. I heard Micah move as I checked all the rooms, getting the “all clear.”

By the time I was back to him, he already had the case open and wires attached to the box pulled. The screen in the case flashed green. “We’re clear. Need to find the computer and delete our entrance.”

“You want me to do it?”

“Nah. You go see if you can find anything. We have to get something for all this trouble. I’m hopin’ the computer will have some shit.”

“On it.”

Moving back up the stairs, all the drapes were pulled over the windows, and the men were moving through. Seeing Ax, I asked, “Anything?”

His head shook. “Only the necessary furniture. Nothin’ on the walls. Hardly anything in the cabinets.”

“Well, he did just fuckin’ move in. If you or I move in, do we have a lot of shit to decorate with?” My tone was seriously sarcastic.

“Right, but he has a kid. You’d think he’d have a room with a bed in it for him.”

That was different. Had to give my brother that. If I had a kid, no way in fuck would he not have a spot in my home if I weren’t together with his mother.

Fuck me. Did I just actually think that shit. Kids? Fuck.

“Show me,” I told him as we made our way through the house.

There wasn’t a lot to take in. Bare, sterile white walls blared in my eyes; sometimes too little was too much. Kitchen had a table with two chairs, nothing on the countertops, and had all the necessary appliances. Clean.

Living room, bare. A small side table sat next to a tan couch that matched the tan carpet. A large television was on the wall. The light above had a fan, but that was it in the space.

“Anyone find a fuckin’ computer?” Micah called out.

I lifted my brow to my brother.

“Laptop in the master bedroom,” Ax called out.

“What else?”

Ax shrugged. “Bed, side table, television, a drawer and closet with clothes. Nothing out of the ordinary.”

“Any secret compartments?”

“Deke is on the search for those. I’ve told him not to damage too much shit, but considering the stellar way we entered the place, the fucker is gonna know we were here.”

“Two doors. Let me make a call.”

Pulling out my phone, I dialed one of the clean-up crew and told him what we needed. Within twenty minutes he had a team there and was fixing the doors back to new.