They screamed sex appeal, calling out to all the ladies, and hell—some men—to come take a bite of them. Tonight we got double the blessing or double the trouble, depending on how you wanted to view it. Twins, if you could believe it. Not just one sexy as fuck male but an identical replica. The women in the bar would be falling all over themselves in mere moments, each trying to get a turn in their bed for the night.
Except this time, the twin without the only distinguishing feature between them that I could see, a scar, had the local baker, Indie Fallon, on his arm. Everyone knew Indie. She was a genius with baked goods and had her own place down the road from the bar. I’d been there quite a few times. It was a cool space, but the cookies and streusel were my downfall.
Being a bartender meant you heard all kinds of information. Some of it true. Most of it a load of shit. But most of the things I’d heard about the MC were true.
In this case, it appeared to be very true that Ax and Indie were together in every sense of the word because he did not give two shits that the women were trying to get his attention. No, Ax’s full focus was on Indie. She was the only thing in his world.
Just in those few moments, I could feel the love he had for her pulsing around them. His gaze was always circling back to her. Remaining aware of any indication of trouble near her, he was laser focused. The energy between them was electric and filled the entire building.
To be loved like that… I shook my head at the thought. That shit was meant for other people, not for me. Not before, not now, and not ever. It wasn’t in my cards to be important to someone.
That devotion. Caring. Bond. Actual love, passion.
Yeah, that wasn’t in my future. Ever.
But I could appreciate seeing it for another woman. Women were majestic creatures. We grew little humans inside our bodies, our curves were all for a purpose. Our bodies, minds, emotions, all of it was immensely full and capable of anything we wanted. Yes, I was a sisterhood believer. I wanted all women to succeed, to find their purpose, passion, and happiness. Seeing Indie cherished, yup, I could be happy for her as a female.
Raid Monroe, the other twin, on the other hand, had eyes glittering, scanning the room. No doubt at his prospects for the night. And just like every other night he’d been in here, he’d leave with someone. Or someone’s.
Player. Big time. Fuck and go. Hit it and quit it. Raid was everything your momma and your friends warned you about. The shit they wrote country songs about.
I knew his type all too well. Sweet talk then a dirty fuck, and the next moment he was gone, never to be heard from again. Typical male bullshit.
If I did that, I’d be called a slut or a whore. Because I had. Once upon a time. But Raid, he got away with it every single time.
Absolutely hated the double standard when it came to men and women.
The large scar that went by Raid’s right eye used to be the only distinguishing feature between the brothers. Sad thing was the scar made him even more attractive, giving him a delectably dangerous aura. It made me curious to know how he got that scar, not that I’d ever ask.
Now, though, there was something else distinguishing them apart. Raid had cut his hair. Once long like his brother’s, he cut it on the sides very short and left it a little longer on the top.
Interesting. Hated to admit it, but I wondered why.
I’d actually waited on the pair of Monroe’s when I’d first started working here. Had this corset thing on and Ax was very forward about getting me in bed with him. Said I was a challenge. Knew that type too. Men who thought the conquest was a turn on. Yeah, no. Not that I took him up on that, but he wasn’t shy about trying to make it happen. Raid, on the other hand, kept to himself, appearing to be more focused on the women around him.
Not that I wanted to be his focus. He was not someone I wanted to be connected to in any way. No, Raid was known throughout this town and probably state or country with their reach. That would not be good for my blending into the background routine. Him not paying attention to me was a blessing. Regardless of the undeniable sex appeal that oozed off the man, I would not succumb to the temptation. Even though there wasn’t a doubt in my mind he could make it a night I’d never forget.
As the three of them made their way through the crowd and to a back booth, the noise level increased, and orders needed to be filled. Back to business, I was happy to keep busy.
For the next few hours, I caught my eyes floating across the floor just to see what Raid was doing. It was stupid. No way in hell I’d want him to ever catch me. However, I was human and could appreciate the dreams he could star in later tonight for me.
I did see when Ax and Indie left. Also saw Raid entertaining several different women at his ever revolving table. Not that he had my attention. Just small glances here and there. Or so I told myself. But I never saw him leave. Considering he wasn’t in the building. I missed that part of the night, which wasn’t something that sat right with me. Knowing my surroundings was important at all times, and somehow, I missed it. He slipped out like a ghost.
Upon last call, I was dead on my feet and ready to clean up the bar and get home. Liked my job, but it was terrible on feet strapped in boots.
It wasn’t until I stepped out the back door that I knew my life would be changed forever.
Tonight was Ravage business.Not that I didn’t like coming to Bimbos for a change of pace, but my trip here was for another purpose.
Back against the bricks of the building, knee cocked up, I waited, knowing my target would be coming this way at some point, considering I tagged his car in the back of the lot directly in my view. Creature of habit, he always did this. Stupid if you asked me.
When Maxium showed up at the bar, I slipped out the back door before he could see me. No need in alerting him I was here and waiting. What fun would that be? Target acquired, I knew his next moves.
Ax and Indie left earlier. They came to help me blend in on the off chance Maxium wasn’t following his patterns. Ax wanted to stay as backup, but this didn’t require that kind of support, and he had a great woman to get home with. Indie was by far one of the strongest women that I knew. I had cost them enough, and I didn’t need to take away another moment they could have with something I could handle alone.