She snapped back to the now. “Yeah?”
I softly kissed her on the lips once again, hoping to bring her back from whatever was haunting her.
Her eyes were a little warmer, telling me it worked. It was fucking great I could do that for her. If she’d let me, I’d do it until my dying breath.
“Life is short, Nyx. So fuckin’ short. I grew up Ravage and have seen so much shit over those years. Seen life disappear from another’s eyes,” I continued as she took my words in. “Done shit that would make you get sick and probably fear me. These hands have taken lives. Have done every illegal thing you could think of and probably some you couldn’t imagine. I make zero apologies for any of it. Anything I’ve done has been for Ravage and my family.”
“Raid. Why are you telling me this?” she asked quietly.
A smirk tipped my lips. “Stay with me, Nyx. Follow the ride.”
I touched her lips once again. I’d never get tired of touching those plump lips.
“Knowin’ all of this. Knowin’ the man I am. My soul is tattered and blackened. My heart is bruised and scarred.”
Nyx reached up and touched the scar on my face, and for a moment I closed my eyes and just felt her fingers trailing my skin. Her touch was soft and loving, even if she didn’t realize it was the latter.
“Just like my face,” I told her, opening my eyes.
“Will you tell me how you got this?”
“I’ll tell you anything you want to know, Nyx. Anything inside of me. For you, I’m an open book. You can read every line of it. That said, when it comes to the club, I need you to trust that at times there are things I can’t share. You’ll need to accept it. But I’ll get into that later. Right now, I want you to know me, the man I am—both the good and the bad.”
She sucked in a breath. “Raid, we’ve had a few good times…”
My finger went to her lips. “Nope. Listen, Nyx.”
It took a few beats before she gave me a nod.
“This right here in this chair, I want this. You and me. Not some piece of ass, as I’m sure that was what you were gonna say before I cut you off. But you are not that. I wanna build a life with you, Nyx.”
Nyx shook her head. “You’re not thinking right, Raid. You know nothing about me. I could be a closet serial killer who collects body parts under her bed. We’ve known each other mere days. There’s no way you already see this as an ‘us’.”
“And that’s where you’re wrong, Nyx. My scarred soul and blackened heart tell me you’re mine. Never said that about a woman before. Never had one who made me feel like you do. Fuck, I was doin’ Ravage shit and saw you on the security cameras talkin’ to the ol’ ladies, and I couldn’t keep my eyes off you. How you laughed. Loved every second of watchin’ you. Never in my life have I been doing Ravage business and not been able to focus because my mind was on you.”
“This is just for fun. A few rolls in the bed, but a connection?”
I pulled her to me and kissed her hard and deep, her hands going to my face as she kissed me back. The taste of her made desire burst, and my cock grew. She didn’t feel this connection?? These live wires of electricity sparking between us? I called bullshit.
I knew she was hiding a lot from me. Knew it wasn’t good. It didn’t matter to me. However, if she’d come to me, I’d ward off all the bad swirling in those eyes.
I pulled away and rested my forehead against hers. “That right there, Nyx. That pulse in your heart, feeling in your gut, your pull to me. All of that, I feel too. It’s strong, and if you need me to show you, I’ll do it every damn day of my life.”
Not letting her say a word, I took her lips. Desperately trying to get her to see and feel what was happening here between us. I needed her to feel what I’d been.
Nyx didn’t say anything. She leaned into me and shifted in the chair. I heard a thump, and when her hands came to the sides of my face, I knew it was the water she had held moments ago.
She lifted and straddled me. My hands gripped her ass and pressed her into my hard cock. Loved feeling her heat and her hands on my skin.
She started rocking hard on me, and I felt it coming as the chair started to tip and crash us to the floor. Before it could, I scooped her up, and she wrapped around me like a spider monkey once again. I fucking loved that shit.
Her arms wrapped around my neck as she proceeded to kiss me as I walked us to the bedroom. I laid her down on the bed and fell on top of her, resting my weight on my arms so I didn’t crush her.