He had no idea who I was. Where I came from. How I got out. How I’d been hiding. What I had planned. That I was willing to go down just to make it happen.
None of it.
He didn’t know the real me. Therefore, he couldn’t feel this way about me.
Territorial, sure.
Alpha male, sure.
Didn’t mean he thought we were together.
A couple.
A man like him would not want the baggage I’d bring with me. It was heavy enough on my shoulders.
What the hell was I going to say to this? Because I had no family. I had no one.
I’d never bring someone to meet my family.
But I wasn’t fucking stupid either. Deep down, I knew what it meant.
I also knew it could never happen.
Never. Would never have anything like what these women had.
Not even if the thought of it sounded nice. Sounded like someone else’s life. Definitely not mine. That was a pipe dream.
“You are such a fucking dick!” was yelled behind me, and I turned instantly. A younger girl with mid-length blonde hair and an irate look came stomping through. Looking at what she was moving into, and I thought shit was about to hit the fan.
A boy. Or boy-man. He looked young but had a cut on. He turned around, and I saw the prospect patch on the back of his leather. So, he wasn’t an official brother yet.
“Oh fuck.” This came from Tanner. “Mazie needs to give it up.”
“How did you even get her in here? It’s supposed to be family!” the girl Mazie screamed.
“Oh fuck isn’t gonna cut it,” Princess responded.
“It’s none of your fucking business. You’re a fucking child. You need to get over this shit. I don’t want to be with you. How many times do I have to say it before you get it through your fucking childish head,” the boy-man yelled right back.
I could see those words hurt Mazie, but it was only briefly. She’d definitely grown up around these strong women. She had a backbone. Had to give her that because she hid her hurt and focused on the anger. Anger was always an easier emotion to use.
“You’re so fucking stupid, Booker. You’ll choke on those words one day.” Mazie turned around and entered the clubhouse, slamming the door behind her.
“Good job, idiot!” Austyn yelled out. “Rhys is gonna throat punch you.”
My gaze went to Tanner. “That’s your daughter?”
“Yeah, and Booker is Shaina’s son. Raid’s cousin.”
I couldn’t help being stunned. Rhys? This little kid wanted to fuck with Rhys. Did he have a brain? Or a lobotomy? Because that man would tear his head off.
“She needs to get a fuckin’ clue.” Booker said, running his fingers through his hair. “She’s always followin’ me. Gettin’ into shit she shouldn’t be. She’s a fuckin’ kid and needs to back the fuck off.”
“Son,” Shaina said. His eyes went directly to his mother, listening with attention. “I can tell you right now, you willnothave a problem with her being in your business ever again.”
Oh fuckandholy shitscame from the table along with some hooting and hollering.
“Whatever. I need a beer.”