Page 96 of Perchance To Dream

"Can't h?l? ??u th?r?," h? ??id ??ldl?, picking up hi? ????.

"And?r? please." Knox ?t????d in fr?nt of him, m?king him ?t??. "I d?n't kn?w wh? ??u are ??ting so weird, but I need t? find Sky," h? ??id, tr?ing to keep his voice ?v?n. And?r? ?tudi?d him. "I don't kn?w wh?t happened ?r wh?t ?h? told ??u but whatever it i?, I w?nt to ?l??r it u?."

Knox ??uld tell And?r? was debating.

"She told m? enough," And?r? ??id roughly. "I'm not t?lling ??u wh?r? Sk? i?."

"I don't ?v?n kn?w wh?t I did," Kn?x ??id, his confusion building. "Thi? i? all ju?t a mi?t?k?."

"N?, a mistake would b? Sk? l??ing h?r j?b," And?r? ??id, ?t?ring him down. "And I'm n?t g?ing t? let that happen."

"Sk? l??ing her j?b?" Kn?x qu??ti?n?d. "Wh?t ?r? ??u talking about?"

And?r? g?v? Knox ?n incredulous l??k b?f?r? he turn?d ?nd w?lk?d ?w??. Kn?x let out a fru?tr?t?d gr??n as he turn?d fr?m wh?r? And?r? h?d b??n, back to th? m?in l?bb? ?f the ?hi?.

He was trying t? think h?w ?l?? h? could find Sk? wh?n h? ??w her. She m?v?d out from b?hind the gu??t ??rvi??? d??k ?nd started w?lking in th? opposite direction. He tried t? catch up with h?r, ??lling ?ut h?r n?m? ?? h? dr?w closer.

Sk? fr?z?, unsure ?f what to do. Kn?x w?? m?ving t?w?rd? h?r, a mixtur? ?f worry ?nd r?li?f ?n hi? f???. All ?h? could think ?b?ut w?? wh?r? they w?r?. Th?r? were ?????ng?r? l?unging on th? ??f?? ?n?ir?ling th? ?i?n? ?nj??ing ??m? ?ft?rn??n jazz ?i?n?. There w?r? ?rui?? w?rk?r? b?hind th? ?u?t?m?r ??rvi?? desk ?nd at th? b?r. T?? many witn?????.

A? Kn?x got closer, ?h? ?ut ?n a bright ?mil?.

"G??d ?ft?rn??n Mr. H?milt?n, how can I ???i?t ??u?" she ??k?d in h?r ?h??r? ?rui?? w?rk?r v?i??. Kn?x gave h?r a ??nfu??d l??k ?nd ?tt?m?t?d t? move ?l???r but ?h? t??k a ?t?? b??k.

"Sky, wh?t? going ?n?" h? asked, ?tud?ing h?r face.

Sky w?rk?d ?t keeping her ?x?r???i?n neutral.

"Th? ship h?? ??v?r?l ??tiviti?? going ?n ?urr?ntl?. F?r a full li?t, ??u can ??k ??m??n? ?t guest services and they will h???il? giv? you a schedule," ?h? said, motioning to the desk behind Knox.

"Funn?," he ??id fl?tl?, "??u kn?w wh?t I mean. Wh?r? were ??u thi? morning?"

H? took a ?t?? closer to Sk? ?nd ?h? mirrored his m?v?m?nt, t?king a step b??k.

"If ??u ?r? r?f?rring t? your ??ngwriting l????n thi? morning, Andrew will n?w b? ?v?r???ing ?ll ??ur activities. If you h?v? any questions, please feel fr?? t? ??k him. If ??u need help l???ting him, ?n??n? ?t th? gu??t service desk will b? ?bl? t? ???i?t ??u," Sk? ??id, almost r?b?ti??ll?.

Sh? couldn't help as h?r ???? d?rt?d t? th? door b?hind th? gu??t services d??k, w?t?hing t? ??? if ?n??n? came ?ut ?f the ?ffi???. Sh? r?turn?d her gaze to Kn?x, ???ing him giv? her a ??nfu??d l??k.

"If you won't b? n??ding any furth?r ???i?t?n??, I'll b? ?n m? w??," she ??id, turning ?nd h??ding t?w?rd? th? ?l?v?t?r?.

"Sk? wh?t ?r? you talking ?b?ut?" Kn?x ??k?d, following her. "Wh? i? Andr?w ?v?r m? ?v?nt?? Why ?r? ??u ??ting lik? ??u don't ?v?n kn?w me?"

He reached out ?nd grabbed h?r u???r ?rm, turning h?r to f??? him. Sh? tri?d to remain ??lm as ?h? pulled h?r ?rm from hi? gr???.

"I really need t? g?t b??k t? w?rk, if th?r? i?n't ?n?thing ?l?? ??u need," ?h? ??id, unable to meet Kn?x'? ???r?hing ????.

"I n??d a l?t of thing? ??tu?ll?," he ??id, his voice g?tting a littl? louder ?? his frustration grew. "C?uld you ?l???? ju?t tell m? wh?t happened? I don't even know wh?t I did," h? ??id, hi? v?i?? g?tting d????r?t?.

Sk? f?lt h?r ?t?m??h ??iz? u? ?nd h?r chest tighten as ?h? tri?d t? ignore hi? words.

"I h?v? a job to d?," she ??id, th? emotion in h?r voice b?tr??ing h?r f?r a m?m?nt. "I n??d t? go ?? I ??n d? m? j?b."

Knox ???m?d to jump on the ?m?ti?n h?r h??rd in h?r voice ?nd m?v?d closer, his eyes softening.

"I g?t you h?v? a job t? do, but th?t didn't ???m to be an i??u? l??t night," he ??id, a grin hiding in th? ??rn?r of hi? mouth.

Sky l??k?d dir??tl? ?t him, ready to t?ll him exactly h?w ?h? f?lt when ?h? h??rd a door slam and l??k?d ?v?r t? ??? Louis leaving th? ?ffi???. L?ui? w?? far enough ?w?? that h? w?uldn't be ?bl? t? ??? wh?r? Knox ?nd Sk? w?r? ?t?nding. But if h? m?v?d ?n? ?l???r, h? w?uld di???v?r them.

Sk? moved b??k towards the ?l?v?t?r ?nd hit the ??ll button, b?gging th? elevator to ??m? faster.