Page 97 of Perchance To Dream

"If you n??d ?n? further assistance Mr. H?milt?n, they ??n h?l? ??u ?t gu??t ??rvi???," Sky ??id, gr?t?ful t? h??r th? ?l?v?t?r ding. Sh? turn?d ?nd ?t????d onto th? elevator, n?t turning ?r?und until ?h? heard the d??r ?l???.

She forced h?r??lf t? ??unt th? floors ?? she ?????d th?m ?n h?r way d?wn t? ?l??ning ??rvi???. B? th? time ?h? r???h?d the l?w?r fl??r, ?h? h?d pushed the wh?l? confrontation into th? b??k ?f her mind.


An h?ur l?t?r, Knox said goodbye t? th? l??t girl ?t th? m??t and greet ?nd ?v?r??n? ?t?rt?d ???king up. He slowly undid his b?w tie ?? M?r??? w?lk?d towards him.

"You r??d? t? g??" Marcos ??k?d, tr?ing to hide a yawn.

"Yu?," h? said.

"Y?u did a great j?b," Andr?w ??id. He ?h??k Knox's h?nd. "Ev?r??n? ???m?d t? enjoy th?m??lv??. I mu?t admit I ?m im?r????d b? h?w w?ll you d??lt with ?v?r?thing."

"Th?nk?. Y?u did a gr??t j?b m?n?ging ?ll th? diff?r?nt pieces," Knox ??id, g?nuin?l? meaning it.

Andrew h?d ?m??thl? d??lt with any issue th?t had ?ri??n. H? was ?bl? t? keep people ??lm and moving during the thr?? and a half h?ur? it h?d t?k?n f?r Kn?x t? meet ?v?r??n?. Kn?x thought Andr?w had h?ndl?d ?v?r?thing great. But it didn't change th?t f??t th?t he wi?h?d it had been Sky.

Knox's had gotten his h???? u? wh?n he thought he ??w Sky w?lking his w?? b?f?r? th? M??t n Gr??t h?d b?gun, but it h?d been a w?rk?r h? didn't kn?w. If Sk? h?d b??n there, h? ??uld only im?gin? th? qui?? she w?uld have m?d? ?b?ut th? ?itu?ti?n ?nd th? diff?r?nt girl?. He ?r?b?bl? w?uldn't h?v? f?lt ?? w?rn out because she would h?v? m?d? the wh?l? thing ???m like fun.

Kn?x h?d tried to k??? all th??? th?ught? fr?m running around in hi? h??d during th? M??t n Greet. But, now th?t it was over, and h? was h??ding b??k to hi? room, h? didn't ??? th? point in tr?ing to ?t?? th?m.

"Wh?t d? ??u w?nt to d??" M?r??? asked ?? they n??r?d hi? r??m.

"I'm g?ing t? ?h?ng? and h??d up ?n d??k," he ??id.

"Y?u'r? g?ing to g? u? on d??k?" Marcos ??k?d. "Isn't it pretty l?t??"

"Yeah, but th? crew will be up th?r?." H? didn't w?it to h??r if Marcos h?d ?n? objections b?f?r? h? shut th? d??r to his r??m to ?h?ng?.

"G??d luck," M?r??? said, when h? ??m? ?ut ?nd h??d?d f?r th? d??r.

"Th?nk?." he said flatly. H? w?? un?ur? ?f wh?t h? w?? g?ing to find ?n?? h? g?t there.

H? f?ll?w?d th? signs f?r th? pool and f?ll?w?d th? n?i?? ?n?? h? was ?ut?id?. Ev?r??n? was in th? ??m? ?r?? they h?d been th? ?r?vi?u? night?. Th? fire w?? ?lr??d? down t? ?mb?r?. H? gr?bb?d a b?ttl? ?f w?t?r fr?m th? table ?nd ???r?h?d th? ?r?wd f?r a f?mili?r f???.

H? m?d? ????ing exchanges with people h? r???gniz?d but k??t moving. H? w?nt?d t? find someone who w?uld h?v? ??m? r??l inf?rm?ti?n ?n Sk?. H? w?? about t? give up ?nd j?in th? ?ir?l? around the fir? ?it when h? ???tt?d And?r?.

"And?r?," h? ??ll?d out wh?n he was ?l???r t? him. And?r? l??k?d up. Kn?x watched hi? expression ?h?ng? when he r??liz?d wh? h?d ??ll?d him.

"Wh?t d? ??u want, Knox?" he asked, ?nn???d.

"And?r?, you gotta h?l? me find Sky."

"And wh? would I do th?t?"

"Because this i? stupid. L??t night everything w?? gr??t, m?r? th?n great. Then suddenly thi? morning she ??n't stand t? b? ?r?und me. Wh?t?v?r it is, I deserve a ?h?n?? t? make it right." Anders ?tudi?d Kn?x, hi? frown d????ning.

"And?r?, I d?n't kn?w wh?t ??u think ?f m?, but I d?n't m??? ?r?und," Kn?x said quieter. He didn't f??l in?lin?d t? broadcast his feelings t? everyone ?r?und. "I h?n??tl? lik? Sk?. I thought ?h? felt th? ??m? w??. Giv? m? a chance t? ?l??r thi? up."

And?r?'? ?x?r???i?n softened a bit ?nd Kn?x f?lt a ???rk ?f h???. "I might b? willing t? tell you where ?h? i?. But ??u ?h?uld kn?w th?t if you hurt her in ?n?w??, m? fist will gladly make friends with ??ur f???," h? ??id. H? crossed hi? arms, making his large ?t?tur? even m?r? im???ing.

Sky kept h?r head d?wn ?? she m?d? her way thr?ugh th? buff?t, too tir?d to talk. Sh? had been ?l??ning rooms and running ?rr?nd? for L?ui? f?r th? l??t fiv? h?ur?. Sh? was w?rn ?ut.

"Sk?, th?r? you ?r?," Jul?? ??id. Sh? bumped her hip t? Sk?'?.

"H?? Jules," ?h? said fl?tl?.

"W?'r? over here when ??ur d?n?," Jul?? said. Sh? bounced off to j?in Ni?? ?nd C?r? ?t a t?bl?.