Page 47 of Perchance To Dream

Knox ?ull?d Eli?? ?ft?r them, hi? ?tt?nti?n ?till ?n th? girl?.

"Wh? w?r? ??u with th??? girl??" Eli?? asked.

"M?r??? ??id you were in r??m t?n thirt?-tw? in?t??d ?f twenty-three," Kn?x said. "I ?h?uld n?v?r tru?t ?n? numb?r M?r??? says. He is ?lw??? switching them u?."

Patch pulled out his k????rd and ?wi??d it ???t th? door ??n??r, ?u?hing th? d??r ???n.

"What have ??u been up to?" Eli?? ??k?d, t?king a seat on th? couch in th?ir r??m.

"I went ?n a Runes hike this m?rning," Knox said, ?inking into a ?it n?xt t? Eli??. "H?w ?b?ut ??u gu???"

"W?nt ??m? w?t?r?" Patch ??id. He h?ld u? a b?ttl? ?f w?t?r. Kn?x h?ld up his h?nd and P?t?h thr?w it to him, thr?wing ?n? t? Eli?? t??.

"W? w?r?n't on an ?x?ur?i?n t?d??," Patch said. "But ??m? girl? invit?d us to rid? j?t? ?ki? with th?m. We did th?t."

"Th?t ??und? fun," Knox said.

"It was g??d. Th? girl? w?r? a littl? ?r?z? but we g?t to rid? jet ?ki? f?r free ?? we can't ??m?l?in," P?t?h ??id.

"Th?t seems t? b? a common theme with th??? girl?," he l?ugh?d.

"What? Cr?z??" Eli?? joked. Th? thr?? gu?? l?ugh?d.

"Do you have t? g? t? karaoke tonight?" P?t?h asked.

"No, I have th? night ?ff. I was wondering what you gu?? w?r? d?ing," Kn?x ??id.

"Th? king of ??? i? humbl? enough to h?ng out with u? l?wl? ?rti?t?," Eli?? said.

"It's g??d f?r my im?g? if I h?ng out with the ?????nt? ?v?r? n?w ?nd th?n," Kn?x ??id. Elias ?m??k?d him with a ?ill?w fr?m the ??u?h, ??t?hing him b? ?ur?ri??.

Before h? ??uld return the ????ult th? d??r ???n?d and th? final tw? m?mb?r? ?f Last Call ?nt?r?d. J?m?? gr??t?d Knox with a n?d.

"Wh?t ?r? we d?ing t?night?" D?nn? asked.

"I h??rd there w?? k?r??k? g?ing on?" J?m?? said.

"Yeah it'? Kn?x H?milt?n night," P?t?h said with a mocking t?n?.

Th? b?nd m?mb?r? exchanged ?mirk?.

"Oh this will b? ?? entertaining," D?nn? said, rubbing hi? h?nd? t?g?th?r.

Knox ?h??k his head.

"C?m? ?n," Patch ??id, "w? ??n sit in th? b??k. N? ?n? will ?v?n kn?w we ?r? th?r?."

Knox th?ught about it for a m?m?nt.

"We might ??? ??m? cute girl?," Elias added. At this comment Kn?x remembered Sk? said ?h? w?? ?v?r th? karaoke.

"Fine," he ??id. Maybe wh?n k?r??k? w?? fini?h?d, he could find h?r ?nd they ??uld ?ll h?ng ?ut.

"Ok, l?t'? d? thi?," P?t?h ??id, standing up ?nd fixing hi? m???? h?ir.


Sk? ?mil?d at the t?bl? ?f girl? she ?????d and k??t w?lking, gl?n?ing down ?t th? clipboard in h?r hand. Th?r? w?? a girl up on the ?t?g? singing "Sun?hin? Smil?" ?nd Sky ??uld ??unt four m?r? girl? d?wn the list wh? h?d requested t? ?ing that ??ng. Kn?x'? mu?i? was ??t?h? but it turned ?im?l? nauseating ?ft?r the f?urth time someone g?t u? to ?ing it.