Sk? looked towards th? b??k ?f the l?ung? and could ??? Anders, Ni?? ?nd Johnny huddl?d t?g?th?r. She ???u?ll? walked th?ir w?? and sat in the ?m?t? chair. "Wh?t'? th? l?t??t ???r???" ?h? ??k?d. Sh? had approximately th? l?ngth ?f a bridge ?nd fin?l ?h?ru? before ?h? had t? be up fr?nt to ?nn?un?? th? n?xt ?ing?r.
"Liz has the high??t ratings ?ft?r h?r last performance of Hurricane," And?r? ??id. H? ?lid hi? ???r? ?h??t ?v?r t? h?r.
"Th?t ?n? g?t th? ?r?wd all mi?t? ???d," Ni?? j?k?d. He wiped f?k? t??r? from hi? ????.
"We base th?ir ???r? ?n wh?t we giv? th?m ?ut of t?n, ?lu? h?w the ?r?wd r???t?," J?hnn? ??id. "And, if th?? ?ing a ??ng th?t hasn't already b??n ?ung, they g?t a b?nu? ??int."
"Emm? i? a ?r?wd favorite ?ft?r th?t gr??t performance ?f "Indian Summ?r"," And?r? ??id. Sk? f?und the b??? detailed ???ring system comical.
"Is Bi?n?? u? ?n? tim? soon? W?'r? tr?ing t? decide wh? win? f?r most ?ff k??," J?hnn? said. H? ?t?l? th? clipboard out ?f Sky's h?nd.
"What's ??ur ???r? for thi? ?n??" And?r? ??k?d. H? pointed to the girl ?n ?t?g?.
"I'll giv? her seven ?nd a h?lf out of ten," Sk? ??id. "She g?v? th? ??ng some fl?r?, but ?h? didn't quit? hit that high n?t?." And?r? n?t?d h?r score on the ????r.
"Ok??, I g?tt? g?." She ?lid out ?f her chair and h??d?d back towards th? ?t?g?.
Th? night continued in th?t f??hi?n. Sk? made l???? b?tw??n th? ?t?g? t? ?nn?un?? th? n?xt singer and b??k t? th? b??? t? ?dd her score.
"It's going to be Liz," ?h? said ??nfid?ntl?. M??t ?f th? girls h?d ??rf?rm?d and now ????l? w?r? in line t? sing a second song.
"Y?u going t? ?ut money on that?" Johnny ??k?d mi??hi?v?u?l?.
"I'll ?ut twenty d?wn f?r Liz winning," ?h? ??id.
"Oh ??m? ?n. Make it at l???t forty," J?hnn? t?unt?d.
"I'm not m?d? ?f m?n??."
"You must n?t b? th?t ??nfid?nt ?h? will win th?n," h? ??unt?r?d.
"Fine. Fift? th?t Liz win?. L???r h?? to ??rv? th? winn?r dinner," Sk? ??id.
J?hnn? ?tudi?d h?r a m?m?nt b?f?r? h?lding ?ut hi? h?nd. "D??l," h? said.
* * *
"And thi? is our last ??ll as we fini?h u? k?r??k? t?night. Anyone ?l?? w?nn? ?ing," Sky ??k?d the ?r?wd ?f girls. Ov?r th? course of the last two ?nd a two hours she had heard more Kn?x Hamilton songs then ?h? had ?v?r heard in h?r lif?. She w?? just ?b?ut r??d? t? ?uk? th? lyrics t? th? two m??t ???ul?r songs th?t g?t ?ung over ?nd ?v?r ?g?in.
"I'll giv? it ?n? more g?," Liz ??id. Sh? ?t??d up fr?m a t?bl? ?ff to th? ?id?. Sky ?h?t th? b??? in th? b??k a quick grin b?f?r? bringing Liz u? on stage.
"Whi?h ??ng d? you w?nt t? sing?" she asked Liz.
Sk? had r???gniz?d Liz immediately when ?h? g?t up t? sing her fir?t ??ng. She h?d b??n th? girl ?itting n?xt t? Kn?x on th? way t? the Run??, making him laugh. Sh? l??k?d ?w??t with a heart ?h???d f??? and crystal ?l??r ????.
" ?b?ut 'Tw? St??? Forward,'" Liz said.
Sky h?dn't heard of th?t ??ng before. She w?t?h?d ?? the karaoke DJ h?d t? ??r?ll t? the b?tt?m ?f the song li?t. It mu?t h?v? b??n a ??ng fr?m one of Kn?x'? ?ld?r ?lbum?. Sh? ?mil?d t? h?r??lf as ?h? left the stage, kn?wing th?t w?uld b? ?n?th?r ??int for T??m Liz.
"I've g?t baggage I've been ??rr?ing ?r?und
And it's ?h???d ju?t lik? you
Even th?ugh it's been m?nth? with ??u gone
It'? still h?r?, I don't kn?w wh?t t? do."
Liz ?ung out ?nd Sk? could ?lr??d? f??l the ?r?wd r????nding t? her. B? th? tim? Liz g?t t? the ?h?ru?, th? ?r?wd w?? singing ?nd clapping ?l?ng.