Sh? h?d f?und ?ut the ????nd time ?h? r?n in t? Jules. She h?d ju?t b??n flirting with a h?t ?????ng?r ?nd came bouncing ?v?r to t?ll Sky. Sk? had to drag her in?id? to k??? the wh?l? crowd ?f ????l? fr?m h??ring Jul?? d???rib? th? gu?.
"You disappeared l??t night," Jul?? said.
Sk? kn?w ?h? was up to ??m?thing, Jules n?v?r t?lk?d in a ???u?l tone. "N?t r??ll?. I said g??dnight t? ??u b?f?r? I left," ?h? ??id. Sooner rather th?n l?t?r, Jules w?uld ?x?l?d? with wh?t?v?r ?h? w?nt?d to t?ll Sk?.
"Knox H?milt?n was th?r? l??t night! H? was h?nging ?ut with u?!" Jules ??id.
"I kn?w Jul??, I was th?r?. D???it? popular b?li?f, I d? h?v? two working eyes," ?h? said in a ??lm voice, tr?ing t? counter-balance Jul??.
"I w?? ?? ?ur?ri??d ?t fir?t but th?n I ?t?rt?d talking to him and h? i? ju?t a r?gul?r gu? ?nd funn? ?nd h? played a g?m? and..."
"Ag?in Jul??," she ?ut h?r off. "I w?? there."
"That's wh?t I'm saying," Jules ??id.
Sky was ??nfu??d b???u?? ?h? was ?r?tt? sure Jul?? h?dn't said th?t ?t all.
"I h??rd from L?ur?n who heard from S??hi? that he ?h?w?d u? with ??u ?nd Anders," Jules ??id. "And ??u didn't ??? ?n? ?f thi? t? m?. You just ??id g??dnight lik? n?thing h????n?d ?nd left m? to find ?ut fr?m L?ur?n ?v?r lun?h today."
Sk? stayed ?il?nt ?? Jul?? t??k a br??th, kn?wing it was b?tt?r t? l?t h?r fini?h before you ?t?rt?d talking. "And ??u w?nd?r wh? I think ??u di??????r?d last night? Sk? Juli? B?nn?tt ??u ?r? not leaving dinn?r until I h??r every ?ingl? detail," Jul?? commanded.
"Th?t'? n?t m? middle name," Sky ??id.
Jul?? thr?w h?r h??d back in ?nn???n??. "Y?u kn?w, sometimes you kill me."
"No. If I kill?d you th?n I wouldn't still h?v? to listen t? ??u."
"I'm ?nl? putting u? with thi? ?ru?l ?nd unu?u?l punishment because I want t? h??r the story. But ?n? ?th?r tim? ?nd I w?uld w?lk away."
"D? ??u even know wh?t '?ru?l and unusual punishment' m??n??" Sk? ??k?d. Sh? tried n?t to l?ugh ?? Jul?? turn?d t? stomp ?ff.
"Julie bear you kn?w I ?m kidding," Sk? said. She grabbed h?r h?nd to ?t?? her fr?m l??ving.
"I d?n't kn?w why I ?ut u? with ??u," Jules said.
"B???u?? m? sarcasm b?l?n??? ?ut ??ur ??rkin???. W? ??m?l?t? ???h ?th?r. Plus I l?t ??u ??t my fri??," Sky ??id.
"I l?v? the fri?? here," Jules said, already past her ?nn???n?? and back t? h?r ??rk? ??lf. "Y?u are t?lling m? wh?t happened."
Th?? ?u?h?d thr?ugh th? kitchen doors. "Fine," Sk? ??id.
"H?? h?w did it g? w?rking on th? fin?l ??n??rt?" M?r??? asked, ?? he w?lk?d int? Kn?x'? r??m.
"I w?nt on a scavenger hunt," Kn?x ??id.
"A ???v?ng?r hunt?"
"I won!"
He h?ld u? th? ?rui?? shirt. M?r??? ?i?k?d u? th? bright blue ?hirt and ?tudi?d it. "Th?? might h?v? t?ld ??u this w?? a ?riz?, but I'm ?r?tt? ?ur? th?? w?r? giving it ?w?? b???u?? n? ?n? wanted t? buy it," h? said.
"That's ?r?b?bl? tru? but it w?? fun," Kn?x ??id. "I w?? on a team with ??m? ?w??t girl?."
"Sw??t like that Bi?n?? ?hi?k?" M?r??? asked.
"Bianca might be m?n? thing? but ?w??t i? d?finit?l? not ?n? ?f th?m," Knox ??id. "No, th?? w?r? ?w???m? and ?u??r f??u??d on winning, which ?f ??ur?? we did."
"Yes, and w?n that gr??t ?hirt."