Page 44 of Perchance To Dream

"I think you're j??l?u?. Alw??? on th? lookout for another tight fitting shirt."

M?r??? gave a f?k? l?ugh ?nd gr?bb?d the r?m?t?, ?itting d?wn on the ??u?h ?nd turning the tv ?n. With Marcos attention ?ull?d away Kn?x l??k?d to his manger, who w?? ?itting qui?tl? in ?n arm chair, l??king over ????r?.

"Have w? g?tt?n ?n update from th? t?ur manger on how th? ?t?g? i? l??king?" he asked. He w?t?h?d ?? Calvin fi?h?d a f?ld?r ?f ????r? from the hug? pile ?nd h?nd?d it t? him. Pulling the ?i?tur?? fr?m th? f?ld?r, h? studied th?m.

"Did th?? take ??r? of the ?id? ?l?tf?rm?" h? asked. "I ??n't t?ll fr?m th??? ?i?tur??."

"I b?li?v? h? ?dd?d notes t? th? b??k of the ?i?tur?? addressing all th? ?h?ng?? ??u asked f?r th? l??t tim? w? l??k?d ?v?r th? setup," C?lvin ??id.

Kn?x fli???d th? ?i?tur?? and ??w small writing ?n th? b??k. "Good, th?? r?i??d th? platform."

"You don't w?nt to fall on stage again?" Marcos smirked. "C?m? on, you w?r? th? t?? vid?? ?n Y?uTub? for a w??k ?ft?r it and in Y?utub? time th?t'? lik? fiv? ???r?," he said when Kn?x gl?r?d ?t him.

"I think I'll ?h???? n?t t? break m? n??k ?v?r short liv?d Youtube f?m?," Kn?x ??id.

One of hi? fir?t ?u?t?m ?t?g?? h?d h?d a ?t?? down t? a side ?l?tf?rm. He had mi???d the ?t?? ?nd f?ll?n at ?n? of th? fir?t ?t??? ?n that t?ur. Th?? had added a r?m? in place ?f th? ?t??, but Kn?x h?d l??rn?d t? ?t?? away fr?m ?t??? ?n ?t?g?.

Th? t?l?vi?i?n ?r?vid?d background n?i?? ?nd Kn?x ?nd Calvin ?tudi?d th? ????r? b?f?r? them. M?r??? ?b??ntmind?dl? w?t?h?d th? n?w? ?n?h?r. Kn?x glanced ?t th? ?l??k, h? still h?d more then ?n h?ur ?nd a h?lf until h? was t? be ?t dinn?r.

"H?v? you found a replacement f?r th? promotional m?ng?r?" h? asked Calvin. H? ?l???d the f?ld?r ?f ?i?tur?? back on th? ??ff?? t?bl?.

"We ?r? ?till w?rking ?n it. We h?v? a ??u?l? diff?r?nt moving ?i???? w? ?r? w?rking with. M? ???i?t?nt will l?t u? kn?w wh?n there ?r? more ??n?r?t? d?t?il?."

"Ro b?tt?r be on t?ur," Marcos ??id.

"Y?u can't b? without ??ur workout buddy," Kn?x said.

"W?ll, I can't w?rk?ut with ??u. I would l??? all m? mu??l?," M?r??? ??id.

"Th?nk? for that," Knox ??id. "S?rr? I don't want to d? a two h?ur w?rk?ut ?ft?r I ??rf?rm f?r almost tw? h?ur?."

"Ex?u???, excuses, ?x?u???," Marcos ??id. He n?dd?d hi? h??d in disappointment ?nd turn?d hi? ?tt?nti?n b??k to th? TV.

"Have we ??tu? the m??ting with th? b?nd ??t?" Kn?x asked C?lvin.

"W? were v?ll?? b?lling between th? third ?r the f?urth. W? g?t b??k ?n the thirty-first ?nd w? fl? ?tr?ight b??k to LA," C?lvin said. "T?ur rehearsal d???n't start until th? tenth. I am pretty ?ur? ?ll ?f the band ??id th?? w?uld be b??k in LA b? the third. I will ?h??k with them and get back to ??u. D? ??u prefer th? third ?r the f?urth?"

"I think ?ith?r one works. I kn?w I h?v? an int?rvi?w ??h?dul?d for th? f?urth but w? ??n always work around that. T?lk t? th? gu?? and find ?ut what i? best f?r them," Kn?x said. H? gl?n??d ?t th? ?l??k ?g?in and then ?l?u?h?d d?wn in hi? chair ?nd shut hi? ????, there w?? tim? f?r a qui?k n?? before dinn?r.

"And you h?d me b?li?ving ??u didn't lik? Kn?x Hamilton," Anders said. H? ??m? t? walk b??id? Sk? as ?h? dr?gg?d a lif? ?iz? paper ?ut out ?f Kn?x.

"I tri?d ?? hard t? hid? it but I can't d? it ?n?m?r?. I l?v? him," ?h? said. Sh? flung herself ?r?und the ??rdb??rd cutout.

"Hey Sk?, ??ur ?r?z? i? ?h?wing," Anders said. Sh? ?mil?d ?nd ??ntinu?d t? dr?g the ?ut ?ut behind her.

"Where ?r? you going with that ?xtr?m?l? ?r???? thing?" h? ??k?d. "Can ??u ?l???? f??? it th? ?th?r w??? It's looking ?t m? ?nd fr??king m? ?ut."

Sk? ?r????d th? ?ut ?ut in front ?f h?r ?nd started t? m?v? towards And?r?. "And?r? R?d?nn, I ?m ??ming f?r ??u," ?h? said in a haunting v?i??.

"Seriously, knock it ?ff b?f?r? I k?r?t? ?h?? hi? head off," h? said.

Sh? dr????d th? cut ?ut, l?ughing ?t And?r?. "I d?n't think Kn?x w?uld appreciate that."

"It'? all fun ?nd g?m?? until it ??m?? to lif? ?nd h??k? u? all t? d??th," Anders ??id. He ?l??rl? w?? n?t ?mu??d by h?r l?ught?r.

"H?w ??uld I f?rg?t ?b?ut the classic horror ?t?r? ?b?ut th? ??l?brit? ??rdb??rd ?ut?ut ??ming t? lif? ?nd going ?n a killing ??r???" ?h? ??k?d. "Pl????, Anders. If it did ??m? to lif?, all it w?uld d? is ??r?n?d? you and fl??h you a ?h?rming ?mil?."

"Well, I would rather not find ?ut ?ith?r way." He eyed the ?ut?ut ?u??i?i?u?l?.