Sky w?? ?utting h?r ?h??? b??k ?n wh?n ??r??ming ?ru?t?d ?n th? other side ?f ???urit?, and th? girl? began ??lling ?ut Knox's n?m?. She turn?d and w?t?h?d the ??mm?ti?n with the r??t of the crowd, whilst moving ?l?wl? thr?ugh ???urit?. She thought ?b?ut l??ving, kn?wing that if ?h? didn't w?nt t? ??? Kn?x, h? never h?d t? know she w?? th?r?.
But th?n ?h? spotted M?r???'? hulking figur? and ?h? ??uldn't h?l? but ?mil?. Hi? ?hirt w?? ?ull?d tightl? ??r??? hi? ?h??t ?? h? f??u??d on g?tting Kn?x thr?ugh the ?r?wd. Sky ??uldn't keep her hands from fidg?ting ?? ?h? waited ?n th? ?th?r ?id? ?f security, un?ur? ?f when Kn?x w?uld b? coming through. W?? it ?tu?id f?r h?r t? w?it? W?uld h? even w?nt to ??? h?r ?ft?r all thi? time? Wh?t w?uld th?? talk about? Would it be ?wkw?rd?
Before ?h? could r???h any d??i?i?n the ??r??ming di?d d?wn. The ?r?wd ?f girl? ?t?rt?d t? br??k up. Sh? ???r?h?d the ?r?? ?r?und her, th?r? was no w?? Marcos and Knox ??uld h?v? ?????d her with?ut h?r noticing but she ??uldn't ??? them anywhere.
Sh? w?? surprised by how disappointed she f?lt wh?n ?h? realized th?t she h?d mi???d h?r chance to ??? Kn?x ?g?in. She h?d been ?? f??u??d ?n trying t? forget him, ?h? hadn't r??ll? let h?r??lf r??liz? h?w much ?h? mi???d him.
Grabbing h?r b??k???k, ?h? read the ?ign?, ???r?hing f?r her g?t? number. Sh? f?ll?w?d th? ?tr??m of ????l? moving l?ft. Sh? ?????d th? generic airport stores ??lling ?v?r? m?g?zin? ?v?r ?rint?d, ?h??? r?m?n?? n?v?l? and ??nd?.
Sh? did a double t?k? ?? she ?????d a hulking figure g?ing th? ?th?r w?? and r???gniz?d M?r???. There w?? a m?m?nt ?f hesitation b?f?r? she turn?d ?r?und and f?ll?w?d him. She was tr?ing to think ?f a w?? t? approach him with?ut ???ming weird, wh?n h? stepped into the store ??lling m?g?zin?? ?nd ?h? took the ????rtunit?.
"C?uldn't find a ?hirt th?t ??tu?ll? fit??" ?h? ?h??kil? asked, coming t? ?t?nd b? M?r???.
A h?r?h response was about t? l??v? his li?? wh?n h? turn?d t? face h?r. A smile ??r??d ??r??? hi? f???. Any doubt ?r trepidation Sk? h?d b??n feeling, di??????r?d.
"Sk?!" Marcos said, ?ulling h?r in f?r a big hug. She had t? gr?b th? m?g?zin? rack to steady h?r??lf wh?n h? put her b??k ?n the gr?und.
"H?w ?r? ??u?" she ??k?d cheerfully, finding she w?? g?nuin?l? h???? to see him.
"Oh, ??u kn?w, tr?ing to k??? th? girls fr?m ?tt??king Kn?x. H?w are ??u?"
"I'm good. I just g?t ?ff the ?hi?. I'm heading h?m? for a ?h?rt break."
"Th?t'? ni??. You h?v? a flight you h?v? to ru?h off t??" M?r??? ??k?d, a ?uri?u? l??k in hi? ????.
"N?, it d???n't l??v? for a ??u?l? of hours."
"W?ll, look I was ju?t ?i?king up m?g?zin?s but I kn?w ??m??n? wh? would l?v? t? ??? you."
"W?uld h??" Sk? ??k?d, hating the flutt?ring feeling ?h? w?? getting in h?r ?t?m??h.
"D? ??u ?v?n have to ask?" h? ??id, leading th? w?? ?ut ?f th? ?t?r?.
Knox w?? sitting ??r??? fr?m Calvin in the VIP l?ung?, reading over the r??um?? ?f thr?? people Calvin had ??tu? interviews with, to fill the Pr?m?ti?n?l Manager j?b. They n??d?d ??m??n? b? the end ?f th? w??k. C?lvin w?? in?i?ting h? ?i?k someone.
H? had ??rf?rm?d in Mi?mi th? night b?f?r? ?nd today h? w?? fl?ing to San Fr?n?i??? wh?r? h? w?uld start hi? ?l?w trip d?wn th? w??t ????t.
Th? ?r?wd w?iting for him ?t th? ?ir??rt had b??n ?imil?r t? th? ?n? waiting for him when h? had l?nd?d f?r th? ?rui??. He couldn't help but look around, kn?wing th?t last time, Sk? h?dn't b??n too far away.
H? ??uld f??l eyes ?n him ?nd h? l??k?d up t? ??? a ??ir ?f girl? looking hi? w??. Hi? gl?n?? seemed t? ?mb?ld?n th?m and th?? started t? w?lk over.
"Hi," h? ??id, as th?? t??k a seat next to him.
"Hey," th? girl ?l????t t? Knox ??id. "C?n w? get a ?i?tur??"
"Sur?," h? ??id. H? gr?bb?d C?lvin'? attention ?nd h?nd?d him th? girl? ?h?n? as they g?t on either ?id? ?f them.
"Thank ??u ?? much!" the ?th?r girls ??id.
A? th? girl? l?ft, Knox realized M?r??? h?d been gone longer th?n w?? necessary. He w?? ?b?ut t? m?nti?n it to Calvin when h? h??rd Marcos' l?ud voice. H? turn?d t? see M?r??? walking towards him with the bigg??t grin ?n hi? f???. B?f?r? he ??uld ??k why he w?? ?? ?x?it?d, h? stepped ??id? t? reveal Sk?.
"Sk?!" h? said, completely speechless.
"Surprise!" ?h? ??id. Sh? h?ld h?r arms out, a ?ill? ?mil? on her face. H? fr?z? as h? tri?d to wr?? hi? h??d around th? ?itu?ti?n. Th? l??t m?nth had b??n so bu??, h? h?rdl? h?d tim? to think about h?r. Now ?h? w?? standing in front of him.
"Wh?t are ??u doing h?r??" he asked. He f?lt lik? h? ??uld barely f?rm a wh?l? ??nt?n??. Hi? mind w?? ??inning from th? ?h??k. H? didn't know wh?t t? say.