Page 120 of Perchance To Dream

"I ??n go, if you want," ?h? j?k?d.

"N?. Sorry, I'm ju?t in ?h??k. D?n't g?," h? said. H? ?ull?d h?r in f?r a hug. With his ?rm? wrapped tightly ?r?und her, ??m? ?f th? shock di??????r?d and h? felt m?r? lik? him??lf ?? ?h? ?ull?d ?w??.

"H?r?, ?it, i? ??ur flight l??ving ???n?" h? asked.

"N?," she ??id. Sh? ??t.

"How did this h????n?" h? ??k?d. H? ?tudi?d her smile ?nd th? way h?r ???? lit u?. Ev?r?thing about h?r w?? b?tt?r than he h?d remembered.

"I ju?t g?t off the ?hi?. I am actually h??ding h?m? f?r a long br??k," ?h? ?x?l?in?d. "I ?h?w?d u? ?t th? ?ir??rt ?nd r?n int? ??m? ?f ??ur f?n?, ?g?in. Have I t?ld ??u h?w charming th?? are?

"I spotted M?r??? ?nd followed him int? a ?t?r? ?nd complimented him on his shirt t? mu??l? r?ti?."

Kn?x could f??l his ?mil? g?tting bigg?r ?? ?h? told h?r ?t?r?. H? didn't hold b??k his l?ugh. "Y?u ?h?uldn't b? ?n??ur?ging him," h? j?k?d. "I've b??n giving him bigg?r ?hirt? f?r m?nth?, h??ing h? g?t? th? hint."

She l?ugh?d. "I was ??tu?ll? w?rri?d I mi???d ??u," ?h? said, more seriously. "Ev?r??n? ?t?rt?d screaming right after I g?t through ???urit? ?? I just w?it?d. I figur?d you w?uld ?v?ntu?ll? m?k? it thr?ugh th? ?r?wd but th?n the ??r??ming di?d down ?nd I w??n't ?ur? wh?r? ??u w?r?. It w?? ju?t luck that I ??w Marcos. W?ll, I gu??? luck ?nd his bulging mu??l??."

"I g? through a private security t? make it go faster," he ?x?l?in?d. "And you just g?t ?ff th? ?hi??" Now th?t the shock w?? subsiding h? w?nt?d to kn?w everything.

"Yup. I'm h??d?d h?m? f?r a few months before I start m? n?xt ??ntr??t."

"Th?t'? gr??t. How ?r? ??u? Hows lif?? H?w? w?rk? T?ll m? ?v?r?thing?" H? couldn't slow th? qu??ti?n?, ??n?ing th? limit?d tim? h? had with h?r.

"G??d. W?rk i? gr??t. I g?t ?r?m?t?d t? ?x?ur?i?n manager," she ??id. "I ?v?r??? hundr?d? ?f ?v?nt? ?nd make sure ?v?r??n? kn?w? wh?r? th??'r? g?ing. Jules ?nd And?r? still t?lk about ??u ?ll th? tim?. Wh?n?v?r w? play S?rdin??, Ni?? h?? t? t?ll th? story ?b?ut th? night you ?l???d with u?. You've b???m? a sardines l?g?nd." Her v?i?? was ?x?it?d ?nd rushed. Kn?x couldn't t?k? his ???? ?ff h?r. Being ?r?und h?r ?g?in, felt familiar ?nd new all ?t once.

"Wh?t ?b?ut you? H?w? the t?ur?" ?h? asked.

H? ??uld tell ?h? g?nuin?l? wanted to hear. "It'? b??n gr??t. All the concerts h?v? b??n ?m?zing and different," ?h? ??id. "It f??l? gr??t t? be ?ut ?n th? road again. It? busy but C?lvin k???? me ??n? ?nd M?r??? keep m? safe. It w?rk?. Oh, ?nd I fin?ll? tri?d a Phill? Cheese Steak," h? added.

"Fin?ll?!" ?h? ?h?ut?d. "I h?n??tl? don't kn?w how ??u gr?w u? in Phil?d?l?hi? and n?v?r tried ?n?. Th?r?'? probably something wr?ng with ??u."

"I'v? mi???d ??u," h? ??id thr?ugh his l?ught?r, n?t r??lizing what h? w?? ???ing until th? words were ?ut ?f hi? m?uth. But he h?d meant them. H? h?dn't r??liz?d h?w ??ri?u? and f??u??d ?n th? tour h? had b??n until he got t? laugh with h?r. H? ??uldn't ?v?n r?m?mb?r th? l??t tim? he had l?ugh?d, but then th? m?m?r? came b??k to him.

It had b??n ?ft?r the show in Phil?d?l?hi?, wh?n h? h?d gone ?ut with hi? f?mil?. H? h?d t?ld th?m ?ll ?b?ut th? ?rui??. H? ??uldn't ?t?? l?ughing as he t?ld th? stories. Alth?ugh, h? did k??? th? ki??ing t? himself. H? had tried t? ign?r? Gr?nt'? ?uri?u? looks whenever h? mentioned Sk? but ?n?? Gr?nt w?? ?bl? t? g?t him ?l?n?, he w?nt?d t? kn?w wh?t h?d h????n?d.

H? was r?lu?t?nt t? t?ll in the beginning but ?n?? h? ?t?rt?d t? t?lk, h? ??uldn't stop. Gr?nt had ??k?d wh? Sky wasn't th?r?. Kn?x h?d tri?d to ??t ???u?l ?? h? explained h?w ?v?r?thing h?d ?nd?d. But n?w th?t she w?? with him, he w??n't going t? hid? th? f??t th?t h? had missed her.

"I'v? missed ??u t??," ?h? said with a ?mil?.

"So, I'm a ??rdin?? l?g?nd?" Kn?x ??k?d. Sk? could tell h? didn't want it to be awkward ?ft?r admitting h? h?d missed h?r but ?h? g?v? him a r????uring ?mil?. Th? ?t?t?m?nt h?d ??ught h?r ?ff gu?rd but she h?dn't b??n lying wh?n ?h? h?d ?gr??d.

Aft?r tw? months, she didn't have t? work ?n f?rg?tting him. But ?h? still ??ught h?r??lf mi??ing him wh?n ??m??n? brought u? a story ?b?ut him. Or she ??ught herself in funny situations ?h? kn?w he w?uld w?nt t? hear ?b?ut. Sh? had missed him ?nd it seemed ??intl??? hiding th? f??t.

"It? tru?," ?h? ??id. "Ni?? has t?k?n it u??n him??lf t? ?l?b?r?t? on the ?t?r? a littl? bit ?nd ??r??d it ?? far ?nd wide as h? ??n." Th? ?t?r? Ni?? t?ld no longer h?ld ?n? truth.

"It ???m? Ni?? mi???? me too," h? j?k?d.

"I think its ??f? to ??? a l?t ?f people mi?? ??u," she ??id. "Th?? ?till haven't ?t????d t?lling ?t?ri??. I think ??u w?r? the m??t popular ??l?brit?."

"I f??l ?? h?n?r?d."

"Kn?x, we need to be l??ving ???n," C?lvin said.

Sk? was ?t?rtl?d. Being with Knox had m?d? th? r??t ?f th? room di??????r. Sh? tri?d t? k??? h?r f??? n?utr?l wh?n Kn?x g?v? h?r a qu??ti?ning l??k, but ?h? was m?r? di?????int?d h? h?d to g? than ?h? w?nt?d to admit to h?r??lf.

"Wh?n?" he ??k?d.

"Our flight leaves in half ?n h?ur. Boarding will b? done soon," Calvin ??id.