Page 117 of Perchance To Dream

"Kn?x," Marcos whi???r?d. H? ?tirr?d, lifting hi? h??d to l??k ?t M?r???. "L??k."

M?r??? pointed t? th? group ?f employees who were in th? lobby across fr?m them. Knox ?tudi?d th? group and r??liz?d h? kn?w m??t ?f th?m. H? ??uld ??? And?r?, Nico ?nd Cara. H? ?t????d when h? saw Sk?. He watched ?? ?h? li?t?n?d t? ??m?thing And?r? w?? ???ing ?nd th?n joined in ?? ?v?r?b?d? laughed.

"L??t ?h?n?? t? ??? g??db??," Marcos ??id. He g?ntl? nudg?d Kn?x in th? arm.

Kn?x smiled but he ?t???d wh?r? h? was, watching. H? ?mil?d wh?n she playfully punched And?r? in the ?rm ?nd h? pretended it hurt. Sh? flung her arms in th? air, clearly telling a ?t?r?.

The more h? w?t?h?d h?r int?r??t with th? group, the m?r? h? realized th?t ?h? h?d b??n right. She h?d a life here ?n th? ?hi? ?nd h? had a life t?uring. Th? tw? didn't w?rk t?g?th?r. S??ing goodbye made ?ur? h? h?d n?thing but great memories ?f h?r.

"Y?u better hurry," M?r??? said, as th? gr?u? ?t?rt?d t? move down a ?id? h?llw??.

"It? okay," h? ??id. He ?t??d ?? Calvin signaled t? him. "I ?lr??d? said g??db??."

N?w th?t they were ?lm??t ?ff th? b??t, Kn?x was ??g?r to get t? th? ?ir??rt. E?g?r to be b??k in LA. H? h?d a limit?d amount ?f tim? b?f?r? the t?ur started with a l?rg? li?t ?f thing? h? needed t? ????m?li?h. H? w?? r??d? t? g?t b??k t? r??lit?.

"Th?? ?r? ju?t gr?bbing someone t? escort u? off the b??t," C?lvin explained ?? h? j?in?d Marcos ?nd Kn?x. "A ??r will be w?iting t? take u? directly to airport."

"Gr??t," Kn?x ??id. A few more gr?u?? ?f ????l? h?d entered the l?bb?. H? w?nt?d to m?k? ?ur? th?? l?ft b?f?r? they ??u??d ?n? trouble.

"I'm h?r? to ????rt ??u off the ?hi?," a cheerful v?i?? ??id. H? turn?d to ??? Jules behind th?m with a bright smile on her f???.

"Gr??t. W?'ll follow ??u," C?lvin said.

"H?? Knox," ?h? ??id ?? h? w?lk?d b??id? h?r.

"Hey, thanks f?r d?ing thi?," h? said.

"H???? to h?l?," ?h? said.

Th?? returned t? ?il?n?? as ?h? l?d them down some ?t?ir? and down a h?llw?? t? the r?m?? that connected with th? ??rt. She l?d th?m t? th? lugg?g? ?i?k u? and helped th?m locate th?ir b?g?.

"Have a gr??t day and thanks f?r ?rui?ing with Bali Cruise Lin??!" she ??id ?ft?r ?h? w?? fini?h?d h?l?ing them. M?r??? ?nd C?lvin ??id qui?k g??db??? as they left but Kn?x ??u??d as h? ?????d h?r.

"Th?nk? f?r ?v?r?thing," he ??id. H? hoped ?h? und?r?t??d what he m??nt.

"Tru?t m?, everyone w?? happy t? h?v? ??u ?r?und, ?? th?nk ??u," she said.

He ?mil?d. H? w?? turning ?w?? wh?n h?r ?m?ll h?nd stopped him. He gave h?r a questioning l??k.

"Because I know Sky wouldn't give you her numb?r," ?h? ??id. She ?l???d a ?i??? ?f ????r into hi? h?nd. "And if she d???n't ?n?w?r, h?r? is min?." Sh? ?l???d a second piece ?f paper int? Kn?x'? hand with a wink. Sh? g?v? him a qui?k kiss ?n th? ?h??k before she bounced ?w??. H? l??k?d down ?t th? ?i???? of paper in hi? hand ?nd ?mil?d.


Kn?x tri?d to ?t?? his legs fr?m ?h?king as h? ??t, ??r?h?d on th? ?dg? of th? h?t?l bed, but h? couldn't m?k? th?m ?t??. In one h?nd h? h?ld his ??ll ?h?n?. In th? ?th?r, a crumpled ?i??? of ????r he had been ??rr?ing ?r?und f?r th? l??t m?nth.

He had hit the ground running ?ft?r the ?rui??, filling ?v?r? d?? ?f th??? two w??k?, tr?ing to ????m?li?h ?v?r?thing th?t needed t? b? done b?f?r? th? t?ur ?t?rt?d. He h?d sat thr?ugh countless m??ting? with C?lvin ?nd his tour m?n?g?r R??n, w?rking ?ut d?t?il? until th?? were ??ti?fi?d.

Th?r? were a f?w l??? ?nd?, but nothing th?? ??uldn't h?ndl? whil? ?n tour. H? h?d ???nt d??? r?h??r?ing with th? b?nd. W?rking with th? new ?t?g?. When ???ning night had ??m?, he r??liz?d h?w much h? h?d mi???d t?uring. Fr?m th? buzz ?f excitement t? the ?mil?? ?n hi? f?n?' f???? to the f??ling ?f ?inging t? th?u??nd? ?f people, Kn?x f?lt like he w?? b??k wh?r? h? b?l?ng?d.

But he couldn't help missing Sky. It was the simple things th?t would r?mind him ?f h?r, and it always ?ur?ri??d him. H? ?lw??? g?t ?? f?r ?? di?ling her number, but th?r? was always a r????n h? n?v?r hit ??ll.

H? was g?ing t? b? ?l??ing his home town of Phil?d?l?hi? in a few h?ur?. He w?? ?x?it?d to ??? hi? ??r?nt? and Gr?nt. They were g?ing to m??t him ?t th? show ?nd then th?? would go ?ut to ??l?br?t? ?ft?r, probably ?t th?ir u?u?l ???t, H??t?r'?.

Knox h?d been tr?ing t? r?m?mb?r th? l??t time h? h?d been t? Hector's when he had met Marcos ?t th? hotel r??t?ur?nt. They w?r? gr?bbing lun?h ?nd when th? w?it?r highl? recommended the Phill? Cheese St??k, Kn?x ?rd?r?d it. It w??n't until h? w?? r?turning back t? his r??m wh?n he thought ?f Sky.

Sh? h?d ??k?d him if h? h?d ?v?r ??t?n a Philly Ch???? Steak b???u?? h? w?? from Phil?d?l?hi?. She had been ?? ?ur?ri??d when h? said h? h?dn't. His first thought w?? t? ??ll h?r. Tell h?r he h?d ?ffi?i?ll? tri?d a Phill? Ch???? Steak.

H? h?d his ?h?n? ?nd her numb?r in hi? h?nd. Hi? fing?r hovered ?v?r the ??ll butt?n when there w?? a ?h?r? kn??k ?n his door. He looked up and th?n back ?t the ?h?n?, w?nd?ring if the int?rru?ti?n was f?r th? b??t.