Page 116 of Perchance To Dream

"Seven. I should g?t b??k. Calvin will b? at m? room in a littl? bit."

She tried t? ignore the kn?t in h?r stomach as she ?t?rt?d w?lking back int? the ?hi?. Sh? f?lt a tug ?? he ?ull?d h?r b??k. He ?u???d h?r f??? ?nd g?v? h?r a smile. H?r hands came to r??t ?r?und hi? w?i?t.

"I'd r?th?r ??? goodbye h?r?," h? said.

Sh? understood wh?t h? meant. She ?t??d ?n h?r tiptoes, r???hing up t? meet his lips, ??ft ?nd w?rm wh?n they m??nt hers. Th? kn?t in h?r ?t?m??h was replaced with a w?rm, w?ightl??? feeling th?t m?v?d u? into h?r ?h??t.

She wr????d h?r ?rm? ?r?und him ?nd h?ld ?n tight, knowing that once ?h? let g?, it would b? g??db??. Sh? could f??l her heartbeat qui?k?ning and she felt br??thl??? ?? hi? gr??? ?n h?r ??ft?n?d. The kiss ?l?w?d. He held h?r out ?? h? ??uld look ?t her, and she f?lt dizzy, tr?ing t? ??t?h her breath. He ki???d her ?g?in b?f?r? h? wrapped h?r in hi? ?rm?.

Knox l?t Sky l??d him b??k inside, their ?rm? ?till link?d around ???h ?th?r. H? ??uldn't ?t?? him??lf from ?t??ling a f?w more ki???? ?n the elevator but th? ?ir w?? somber ?? th?? w?lk?d d?wn the hall t? his r??m.

H? still w??n't sure how h? f?lt about ?v?r?thing even though he kn?w she w?? right. Th? n?xt six m?nth? ?f hi? lif? were g?ing t? b? hectic with t?uring. Sh? deserved better then ?l??ing ????nd fiddl? t? his ??h?dul?.

But ?? mu?h as h? understood, he still w?nt?d to fight it ?nd find a way to k??? her in hi? life. H? w?nt?d t? b? ??lfi?h ?nd ??k her to und?r?t?nd. But it w?uldn't b? f?ir ?nd he ??uldn't ask her t?.

Sh? w?? energizing ?nd d?n?mi? ?nd m?d? him live diff?r?ntl? then he u?u?ll? did. He had lived ?? mu?h of th? ???t f?ur ???r? on a ?tri?t ??h?dul?, it h?d been fr??ing t? l?t h?r ?ull him int? h?r world ?f living a spontaneous lif?.

Th?? stopped wh?n th?? r???h?d hi? d??r but he w??n't ?ur? how to ??? g??db??, h? still wanted to h?ld on.

"Next tim? I'm ?t th? grocery ?t?r? I'll ?i?k u? th?t m?g?zin? with the tw?nt?-fiv? facts about Kn?x H?milt?n," ?h? ??id. "I ??n always l??rn ??m?thing more."

H? ??uld t?ll ?h? w?? trying t? light?n th? m??d and was gr?t?ful f?r her ?tt?m?t. "Too bad they don't h?v? a Sk? B?nn?tt v?r?i?n," h? ??id.

"That w?uld be ?ur?ri?ing and creepy if th?? did," ?h? said. Th? hall w?? fill?d with th?ir quiet l?ugh? ?nd h? w?? happy thi? was th?ir goodbye. Her j?k?? ?nd ??r???m had ??ught his attention and now th?t was h?w ?h? would l??v? him.

"W?ll, if ??u ?v?r find ??ur??lf ?t a Knox Hamilton ??n??rt let me know," h? said. "I know a gu?. I could probably get you a b??k?t?g? pass ?nd m??b?, a ?ign?tur?."

"I d?n't need a signature, I g?t the r??m bill ??u ?ign?d," ?h? said. "I plan on selling it ?n ?B?? f?r thousands of d?ll?r?."

"W?ll, ?t l???t you'll get something fr?m h?nging out with m?," h? joked.

Sh? gr?w ??ri?u?. "This w??k h?? been b?tt?r than any amount ?f m?n?? I would m?k? from ??ur signature," ?h? smiled. She w?? m?ving in ?l???r wh?n th? d??r t? his r??m opened. C?lvin ?tu?k hi? head ?ut.

"Th?r? you ?r?. I h?v? been waiting f?r you. Where have ??u been?" he ??k?d. H? w?? ??m?l?t?l? un?w?r? ?f the ?itu?ti?n h? had int?rru?t?d.

"Hello C?lvin," Kn?x ??id. H? g?v? him a tight smile. Sky h?d t?k?n a ?t?? b??k and w?? l??king back down th? h?ll, lik? ?h? was ready to leave.

"I t?ld ??u he was fin?," M?r??? ??ll?d out fr?m ??m?wh?r? in th? room.

"I should b? g?ing," Sk? ??id.

Calvin ???m?d to r??liz? she was th?r? f?r th? fir?t tim?. "Oh, hello," h? said.

"B?? Kn?x," she ??id. Sh? g?v? hi? h?nd a ?m?ll ?qu??z? b?f?r? ?h? turn?d and w?lk?d away.

"Y?u need t? move, w? n??d to b? d?wn in th? main l?bb? in t?n minut??," C?lvin said, walking back into the room.

Kn?x ign?r?d hi? w?rd? as he w?t?h?d Sky w?lk ?w??. H? ?mil?d when ?h? r???h?d th? ?l?v?t?r ?nd turned b??k. Sh? waved as she g?t ?n ?nd di??????r?d ?? th? d??r? ?l???d.

He w?lk?d ?l?wl? b??k int? his room, and th? ?xh?u?ti?n he h?d b??n ?u?hing ?w?? when he w?? with her came rushing back

"Wh?r? did you di??????r to?" Marcos asked.

"Oh ??u kn?w," h? ??id. H? w?lk?d int? his room with?ut giving any m?r? inf?rm?ti?n. H? qui?kl? ?h?ng?d ?nd grabbed all his things. His ?h?n? h?d remained ?ff ?nd ?n th? ?id? t?bl? for the entirity ?f th? ?rui?? and h? gr?bb?d it ?? he left the room, turning it on.

It w?? ?till buzzing with incoming t?xt? ?nd ?m?il? five minut?? l?t?r ?? h? ?t????d off th? ?l?v?t?r ?nd into th? m?in l?bb?. H? f?ll?w?d C?lvin and M?r??? t?w?rd? th? ?u?t?m?r service desk. H? sank int? th? ?l????t chair andl??k?d ?r?und th? mostly ?m?t? lobby at th? f?w passengers wh? were gathered on ??m? chairs.

The lobby w?? suddenly filled with v?i??? ?? a l?rg? gr?u? ?f employees ?xit?d the ?ffi??? b?hind th? customer ??rvi?? d??k. Knox didn't b?th?r l??king, his ???? closed, hi? chin r??ting ?n his chest.