"Knox!" someone called. He turn?d t? see a gr?u? ?f girl? m?ving hi? w??.
"St?? close," he told M?r???. H? kn?w th? excitement ?f th? ??n??rt ?nd ??rt? could ??u?? ????l? to do ?r?z? thing?.
"You w?r? ?m?zing!" a girl n?m?d Tiff?n? ??id. Sh? r?ughl? bum??d int? him ?? ?h? tried t? give him a hug.
"Th?nk?," h? ??id, g?ntl? moving h?r b??k.
"Y?u'r? v?i?? i? lik? ?ng?l?," another girl? said. He ??uld ??? h?r ???? w?lling u?.
"Thank you so mu?h," he said. He moved t?w?rd? th? bar ?nd ?ign?lled t? the b?rt?nd?r. Th? girl? f?ll?w?d him, crowding around as he asked f?r a b?ttl? ?f water.
"Wh?r? were you all d??? It seems lik? f?r?v?r ?in?? I have seen ??u!"
"Did you go to the island? I was looking for you?"
Kn?x l?t the girls t?lk, b?r?l? b?ing able t? hear ?n? ?v?r th? other. H? ??uti?u?l? started t? move ?b?ut the ??rt? ?nd w?? ?mu??d t? see th? girl? were h???? t? follow with a ??n?t?nt ?tr??m of chatter.
"Margo, h?w ?r? you?" Kn?x asked, ki??ing th? f??hi?n d??ign?r? cheek. He ??uld hear twittering behind him and h? tri?d to ign?r? it.
"Kn?x darling, I ??n't b?li?v? this i? th? fir?t tim? w? h?v? run int? ???h other. I w?? hoping to ??? m?r? ?f you," Margo ??id.
"It i? a ?h?m? but I'm sure ??ur ??h?dul? has been just as busy ?? mine."
"I love this tie ??u ?r? wearing," ?h? ??id. Sh? r?n h?r h?nd d?wn hi? ti?.
"It? Armani," h? ??id, kn?wing ?h? would ???r??i?t? th? n?m?.
"B??utiful," she said. S?m??n? ??ll?d ?ut hi? name ?nd he w?? ?ull?d ?w??.
"H?ll? gorgeous!" Bianca ??id, taking hi? h?nd. "M? family i? over here. They r??ll? want t? ??? hi. B? th? w??, I g?t th? pictures back fr?m the m??t n gr??t. They are b??utiful. We l??k lik? m?d?l?."
"Hello," Knox said. H? ?ff?r?d hi? h?nd t? Bi?n??'? family.
"M? f?th?r, Alb?rt and m? m?m R?n?? ?nd Hudson," Bi?n?? ??id, r?minding him ?f ?v?r??n?'? n?m?.
"Y?u w?r? f?bul?u? u? on stage," Renee ??id, beaming.
"Thank ??u ?? much. H?v? you ?nj???d th? cruise?" h? ??k?d. He ??lit?l? listened as Renee r???unt?d th?ir experience in Grand Cayman ?nd Alb?rt t?ld a funny story fr?m th? B?h?m??. H? was gr?t?ful when a tray ?f f??d created a di?tr??ti?n ?nd he ??id some qui?k g??db??? b?f?r? h? m?d? hi? ??????.
"Hows it going?" Marcos ??k?d, ?h?d?wing him ?? h? m?d? his way through the ??rt?.
"It? a little hard t? breath but I'm ?urviving," he ??id.
"Kn?x!" ??m??n? ??ll?d out. He r???gniz?d Eli??'? v?i??.
"Nice b??k fli? out there," he said.
"I gotta im?r??? th? ladies, ??u'r? t?ugh ??m??titi?n," Eli?? ??id.
"I would gl?dl? forfeit, if it meant they w?uld ?t?? ?h??ing m?," he said.
"Pl????, I ??w ??u ?utting on th? ?h?rm."
"I ??n't h?l? it. It ??m?? n?tur?ll?."
"W?nn? dance?" a group of girl? ??k?d, whi?king Kn?x away to the d?n?? fl??r. Und?r the dim light? ?nd ?tr?b?? it w?? ???? f?r him t? blend into th? ?r?wd. H? slipped out t?w?rd? th? door ?nd h??d?d b??k t? the main area.
"W?uld you like a drink, ?ir?" someone ??k?d. Kn?x was about to d??lin? when h? turn?d t? ??? Sky holding out a tray ?h?m??gn? flut??.