"D??? Gr?nt play? Y?u gu?? ??uld have b??n a b?nd. The Kn?x Br?th?r?!" H? laughed ?? ?h? did her best im?r???i?n ?f an announcer voice.
"Gr?nt plays ?i?n? and guit?r. If he ?v?r w?nt?d t? ?l?? anything else I d?n't think it w?uld t?k? him l?ng t? learn, but h? mostly ju?t m????? around now. H? u?? t? t?k? l????n?, but once it was hi? choice he ?t????d."
Knox lik?d the intent l??k ?n Sk?'? face ?? ?h? listened t? him t?lk ?b?ut his f?mil?. Hi? r????n??? t? family questions were u?u?ll? so ?tru?tur?d f?r interviews it w?? nice t? ????k ???nl?.
"We did tr? t? start a band th?ugh," he ?dd?d, and Sk? ??t up, eagerly li?t?ning.
"Did ??u ??ll ??ur??lv?? Th? Kn?x Brothers?"
"N?, we ??ll?d ?ur??lv?? Th? Ch?rm?nd?r?. W? were really int? Pokemon," h? said, ?mb?rr????d.
"Th? Ch?rm?nd?r??" ?h? ??k?d, tr?ing t? hid? her laughter.
"It w?? ???l in the ????nd gr?d?," he ??id, defending the name.
"So wh?t happened t? Th? Ch?rm?nd?r??"
Kn?x tri?d not t? ?mil? ?? Sk? tri?d not t? laugh.
"W? had ?x??tl? ?n? ??rf?rm?n??, ?t ?ur ??h??l'? t?l?nt ?h?w. It turn?d ?ut Grant ?nl? ?gr??d t? do it t? impress a girl. Wh?n ?h? agreed t? be hi? girlfri?nd, h? quit the b?nd."
"And ??u w?r? t?? sad t? k??? The Ch?rm?nd?r? g?ing?"
"I will have ??u kn?w th?t Th? Charmanders were th? t?lk of th? ??h??l f?r months following ?ur ??rf?rm?n??. S?v?r?l girl? ??k?d to b? my girlfriend." Kn?x tried t? k??? hi? ?u??ri?r ?ir, but h? could ??? Sk? ?il?ntl? ?h?king and he l??t it.
"St?? l?ughing!" h? ??id, lunging towards h?r ?nd g?ntl? t??kling h?r.
Sk? l?t out a ?h?ut of l?ugh?r as they r?ll?d. Sh? was quick, r?lling ?ff th? b?d ?nd running b?f?r? Knox r?g?in?d hi? ?quilibrium. He jum??d u? and ?h???d ?ft?r h?r, ??t?hing h?r ?t th? t?? ?f th? ?t?ir?. He wr????d an ?rm around h?r w?i?t, ??rr?ing h?r b??k t?w?rd? th? ?u?hi?n?.
"Kn?x!" she ?h?ut?d, ?ut of breath from l?ughing.
She tried to loosen hi? h?ld, but it w?? a weak attempt. Kn?x ??t h?r d?wn and gr?bb?d her ?rm as she tri?d t? dart ?ff ?g?in. Sh? eventually ?t????d fighting, tired from all th? l?ughing.
"D? ?ll your f?n? kn?w ?b?ut The Ch?rm?nd?r??" she ??k?d, settling b??k d?wn ?nt? the ?u?hi?n?.
"Th?nkfull?, no," h? ??id, joining her.
"Wh?t a ?it?. S? Gr?nt ?nl? w?nt?d t? do mu?i? t? g?t a girl, why did you want t? d? music?"
The question surprised Kn?x. Most ????l? didn't care ?b?ut th? why, ???uming it w?? ?nl? n?tur?l f?r him t? follow in his parents f??t?t???. Who wouldn't want a ??r??r in mu?i??
"Why d? I do it?" h? ??k?d, thinking about hi? answer. "H?n??tl?, I think a hug? part i? b???u?? th?t i? what I knew. Wh?n ?th?r kids were t?ught t? talk ?b?ut th?ir ?r?bl?m?, I w?? t?ught t? put them int? m? mu?i?. When other kid? w?nt to ?umm?r camp, I ???nt m? ?umm?r? t?uring with my family. But it'? n?t that I never th?ught ?b?ut doing anything else.
"Wh?n I was seven, m? dad took m? to a b???b?ll game ?nd I d??id?d th?t I w?nt?d t? b? a baseball ?l???r. I even w?nt ?? far ?? h?ving m? ??r?nt? sign me u? for littl? league. But th?n I realized I didn't like ?itting ?ut in th? sun, w?iting f?r someone t? finally hit th? b?ll. I h?d other ideas ?b?ut wh?t I w?nt?d t? d? wh?n I gr?w u? but I always came b??k to mu?i?.
"So h?w I w?? r?i??d w?? a major ?l???r. But I didn't think seriously ?b?ut mu?i? until I wrote m? fir?t ??ng. I mean, I h?d b??n writing ??ng? ?in?? I ??uld ?l?? ?n in?trum?nt, but it was th? first ??ng wh?r? I t??k my ?truggl?? and ?ut it into mu?i?. It was freeing. Exhil?r?ting ?nd I never w?nt?d t? stop. Th?t w?? wh?n I decided mu?i? had to be m? lif?."
Kn?x l??k?d ?t Sky, a gentle smile ?n h?r face as ?h? w?t?h?d him t?lk.
"This h?r? ??n?lud?? Deep Th?ught? with Kn?x H?milt?n," h? joked in a deep announcer v?i??, f??ling slightly ?mb?rr????d f?r ?h?ring so mu?h. "Stay tuned f?r the f?ll?wing ?r?gr?m.
"I lik? Deep Th?ught? with Kn?x H?milt?n," she ??id simply, l??ing h?r fingers through hi?.
Sh? g?v? him ?n ???? ?mil? ?nd Kn?x ??uld f??l any un???in??? h? was f??ling, f?ding.
Jul?? grabbed Sky's h?nd as ?h? tri?d t? m?k? h?r w?? thr?ugh th? d?rk. Thi? h?dn't b??n Sky's id?? but ?h? hadn't f?ught that hard ?g?in?t it. She w?? ?u?????d to be ??tting u? f?r the big ??rt? after the concert but Jul??, Cara and Bee h?d ??nvin??d h?r t? ?n??k into the ?udit?rium on th?ir ?h?rt br??k to w?t?h Kn?x ??rf?rm.